8 21 19 3:
R M- 23 50 W- H D U se r G u id e
© 20 13 Wo hl e r Te c hn ol og i e s , In c . A l l r ig h ts re se rv ed .
RM-2350W-HD User Guide
F ea t u r e s
Three LCDs, 5.0” diagonal each
Selectable 16:9 or 4:3 screen aspects for on screen video
Rack mount mechanical design with vertical tilt
Three multi-rate inputs (one per screen) accepting composite
(CVBS) or HD/SD-SDI video with re-clocked outputs of the HD/
SD-SDI input on BNC connectors
Audio demux and display for up to eight channels from the sixteen
embedded in the HD/SDI-SDI source
Monitoring of embedded audio through stereo front panel speakers
or stereo headphones
Visually monitor audio levels on meters assignable to any channel
Level meters can display VU, PPM (PK) or both with assignable
-20db to -18db reference level
Two RS-485 I/O on RJ-45 connectors
Local control (via menu operation) for all functions including:
Blue gun as mono
Safe area
Safe title
Center markers
H/V delay
Monochrome display mode
Display of input format
Display of input time code and up to 10 characters of
user-defined text
Time code and text position in top or bottom of screen
Red/green/yellow/white text color
Built in color bars 75% full field