Operating manual GMV-A
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In the cartridge system Reiner (Illustration 2) the follow-up piston has to stand
back 25 mm of the upper rim of the cartridge.
Illustration 1
Illustration 2
Illustration 3
While mounting the cover, ensure the area between cover and
cartridge by hand to hinder the spring from bouncing-out to
prevent damage and injury.
b) Venting of the unit
Vent both the line and unit to get the unit working satisfactorily. For that purpose, actuate
the drive assembly as many times as necessary to have the lubricant emerging at the outlet
without air bubbles.
c) Venting of the line feeding the lubricating point
Make sure that the line feeding the lubricating point has been cleaned and
enables free flow!
Link the line feeding to the lubricating point with the unit, actuate the unit as many times as
necessary to have the lubricant emerging from the line without air bubbles. This action can
be shortened when the tube ascends towards the outlet.
6.6 Putting out of operation
The unit is put out of operation by switching-off and deinstalling from the external power
Lube Shuttle
(400 g)
(500 g)