P2009 © Firma WJG, Braunschweig. Nachdruck oder Vervielfältigung nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung
Includes the games Tetris, Hi Mice and Bumper Balls.
Tetris: Options are 1. New Game. 2. Speed (1 – 9). 3. Top Score (Name and score of the best players).
4. Help (Pause or continue:1; Rotate: Up key or 2; Left: Left key or 4; Right: Right key or 6; Down 8;
Briefly down: Dow key or 5; Restart: * or left softkey (13); Quit: Right softkey (14).
Hit Mice: 1. New Game. 2. Class (1. Novice/2. Intermediate/3. Expert. 3. Top Score (Name and score of
the best players). 4. Help (Press keys 1 – 9 to hit the mice. For each hit of a cat or a dog your life value
is subtracted by 1. Right softkey (14) = Exit the game).
Bumper Balls: 1. New Game. 2. Class (1. Novice/2. Intermediate/3. Expert). 3. Top Score (Name and
score of the best players ). 4. Help ((1) Cursor up: Up key or 2, Cursor down: Down key or 8, Left: Left
key or 4, Right: Right key or 6. You can also move the cursor to a grid by moving your stylus to the
desired grid. (2) Press the left softkey (14) or 5, or move the stylus to pick or lay down the marked ball.
(3) Gain points by putting five or more balls of the same color in a line. These will vanish then. (4) Press
the right softkey (14) to quit the game.
Media Player:
Here is the FM-Radio which can only be activated if headphones are connected to the device.
Here are 12 entries which can be addressed and opened with the navigation key [12].
My Schedule: List > Options > 1. Add: Every entry of the list (Type:
Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Annual/Working Days. Date. Time. Ringtone On or Off. Ringtone type.
Text.). For every adjusted point in time the alarm will sound.
Calculator: Operate the calculator with the alphanumeric keys (0 – 9) and the navigation key (12).
Calendar: Shows the whole calendar and the Options 1. View Date or 2. Set System Date
Notepad: List of entries. Under Options find 1. New Record (Opens the editor), 2. View Record
(Text/Creation Date/Creation Date), 3. Edit Record (Opens the text in an editor), 4. Delete (Delete
entry), 5. Delete All.
Stopwatch: Options are 1. Individual Timer and 2. Lap Timer. Both can be activated with Start.
Then you can record desired points of time which form a list. Back = Leave application.
Converter: With Next choose the unit to be converted und with the navigation key (12) choose the
value. The units which can be converted are Weight, Areas, Volumes, Capacities and Lengths.
World Times: 1. Set System Time Zone > Choose from a list of 33 places.
Currency Converter: First set the exchange rate which will be displayed as a ratio x:1 and Cofirm. Than
it is possible to enter an origin value under Local and will get the converted value as a result under
Height & Weight: Makes a biometric calculation. First use the navigation key (12) to choose Male or
Female. Then enter your body height cm. Then enter your weight kg. Now press Accept and one of
these three recommendations follow: You are a little thin, Your figure is excellent or You are
Biorhythm: Enter your birthday under 2. Set Birthday. Then go to 1. Biorhythm and read the
possible future developing of Intelligence, Physics and Emotion. Use the navigation key (12) to
sweep the curves.
Software Version: Shows the current version of the software.
SIM Tool Kit (STK): Depending on the service provider use different value-added services like News,
Financial News, Sport, Leisure, Traffic etc. for instance.