WIZ200WEB User’s Manual
© Copyright 2007 WIZnet Inc. All rights reserved
The sources mentioned in the Chapter 5.2, are compiled by aligning in the SRC.
The firmware compile can be performed by using WINAVR and AVRSTUDIO.
Install the WINAVR and AVRSTUDIO in the PC. For the easy working, open the firmware project
file "~/main/ex03_webserver/wiz-web.aps” through AVRSTUDIO project file.
Check compile setting of Configuration option of ‘Project’ menu. For the setting method, refer to
‘AVR Studio User Guide’.
The firmware provided by WIZnet is based on AVR-GCC 3.4.6. In another version, the operation
can be abnormal.
Figure 25. AVR Studio
When compile is completed, hex file is created in the folder that user defined before. This file is
programmed to ATmega128.
For the Hex file downloading, use AVR Studio and AVR ISP cable.