Network Video Recorder User Manual
More Settings Interface
Configure the remote alarm host, server port, HTTP port, multicast, RTSP port.
Alarm Host IP/Port: With a remote alarm host configured, the device will send the
alarm event or exception message to the host when an alarm is triggered. The
remote alarm host must have the
CMS (Client Management System) software
The Alarm Host IP refers to the IP address of the remote PC on which the
(Client Management System) software
(e.g., iVMS-4200) is installed, and the Alarm
Host Port must be the same as the alarm monitoring port configured in the software
(default port is 7200).
Multicast IP: The multicast can be configured to realize live view for more than the
maximum number of cameras through network. A multicast address spans the Class-
D IP range of to It is recommended to use the IP address
ranging from to
When adding a device to the
CMS (Client Management System) software
, the
multicast address must be the same as the device’s multicast IP.
RTSP Port: The RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) is a network control protocol
designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming
media servers.
Enter the RTSP port in the text field of RTSP Port. The default RTSP port is 554, and
you can change it according to different requirements.
Server Port and HTTP Port: Enter the Server Port and HTTP Port in the text fields.
The default Server Port is 8000 and the HTTP Port is 80, and you can change them
according to different requirements.
The Server Port should be set to the range of 2000-65535 and it is used for remote
client software access. The HTTP port is used for remote IE access.
Configure More Settings
Click the Apply button to save and exit the interface.