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Part 1 Caring for your Wisper bike and checks
Although your Wisper bike has been thoroughly tested prior to delivery, it is very
important that you check the bike again before its first use. Equally important are
frequent and regular spot checks, they will protect you and your Wisper bike.
Please read this manual carefully. Only on full understanding of all the functions of this
electric bicycle should you attempt to use it.
Your retailer may have assembled your bike for you if not you will find fitting instructions
on the Wisper website
1 Before you set off for the first time
Check the handle bars and handle bar stem are properly tightened
Check all other nuts and bolts and fixings are properly tightened, pay particular
attention to the motor fixings, side kick stand, yoke and steering head bearings
Check brakes and brake isolators are functioning properly
Check tyre pressures are correct and tyres are not damaged
Check reflectors and lights if fitted are functioning properly
Make sure battery is fully charged
Load battery into your bicycle’s rear carrier and turn on the power on/off
button. Lock the battery into the rear carrier to ensure the battery’s output
connection is always connected properly.
Remember to validate your warranty by visiting
and filling in your details.
2 Before each use
It is important you perform a quick check of your bike every time you use it, checks
should include the following, if you find any damage or problems do not use the bike
until the problem has been solved or you have had the faulty item checked by a bike
mechanic or your retailer.
Check tyres for any visible damage
Check tyre pressures
Check for any lose nuts bolts or fixings
Check brake functions
Check electronic functions