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Thank for choosing a Wisper electric bicycle.
By making the decision to use an electric bike you are helping to safeguard our
environment by saving our planet’s precious resources and reducing carbon pollution.
Before you use your Wisper bike it is important that you read this manual carefully. If
there is anything you do not understand completely please contact your retailer.
Please observe traffic regulations, and don’t lend your bicycle to anyone who is
unfamiliar with it. The bicycle can only legally be used on the road by a person aged 14
years or older.
We strongly advise you to always wear a cycle helmet when using your bicycle and if you
are unfamiliar with cycling to attend a cycle proficiency course prior to using it. Your
Wisper Works 806fe is not toy and should be considered a serious mode of transport.
As with all bicycles it is important that you stay within safe limits, if you feel as if you are
traveling too quickly for the road conditions you probably are, so slow down. High speed
will increase forces in the case of an accident and increase the possibility of injury.
Test your brakes prior to using the bike every time you use it and remember the bike will
not stop as quickly in wet or icy conditions as it would on a dry road.
Before you use the bike for the first time you must make absolutely certain that it has
been correctly built. You can do this by either taking it to your nearest cycle engineer or
if you are proficient in cycle mechanics inspecting it yourself. In particular you must
make sure that the pedals, saddle, handle bars and any self assembly items have been
correctly fitted.
NEVER drink alcohol and ride your electric bike. The use of alcohol greatly reduces
reflexes and limits your ability to ride safely. Even a very small amount of alcohol will
limit your ability to be safe on the road.
When you need to replace your battery please either dispose of it properly or preferably
send it back to us or your supplier and we will make sure it is properly recycled.
Happy cycling!
Wisper Ltd