Wintex Agro, Vilhelmsborgvej 8C, DK-7700 Thisted
+45 97990800, [email protected], www.wintexagro.com
If a sensor is adjusted correctly and is in front of the sensor rail, the sensor will light up green. This means that the sensor works.
If the sensor light is orange, the sensor is still working, but either the gap is incorrect, or the sensor is on the edge of one of the sensor rail
holes. If the sensor is adjusted to far away from the rail, the light will also turn orange. The sensor will still give the correct signal, but there
is a risk of wrong readings, thereby giving an incorrect height.
When the soil sampler is moving downwards, the sensors will flash orange and green. This is perfectly normal, as the sensors pass the
holes in the rail. If the sensor stays orange over a longer distance, (10-15 cm) they need to be adjusted, or the rail might be bend.