Winnix Technologies co., Limited
Tag Operation
I.ISO18000-6B tags
(1) multi-tag identification: search all the tags in the rang of antenna radicalization and read their octet
(2) multi-tag reading: search all the tags in the rang of antenna radicalization and read the octet data
from the beginning of the appointed address
(3) single tag writing: write data of one tag at the appointed tag address
(4) Single tag locking lockdown the data of the appointed tag address. After that , it won’t be
(5) Inquire about the Single tag locking: inquire about the locking state of the appointed address.
(1) Multi-tag: identification: search all the tags in the rang of antenna radicalization and read
their EPC,, the longest of EPC of EPCGENZ can reach 256 digits, now support 96 digits.
(2) Single tag initialization: define the EPC length of the tag, popularly 96 digits.
(3) Single tag writing: read-in the EPC of the tag, one piece (16 digits) one time.
(4) Single tag locking: lock down the EPC of the tag after that, the EPC of the tag can’t be
(5) Single tag destroying: destroy tag, after that ,the tag can’t be used again
Working mode
I Command read: in this work mode, reader works under the control of PC or other controller Reader
can controller can communicate through RS232,RS485or one of the big net interfaces This kind of
working support all the function that the second exploitation bag supplies.
II Timing read: reader reads card in some cycle (can be settled), the data be read can be output
through appointed communication interface. This mode is only for reading to the tag operation.
III overwrite working (TRIGGER READ) when the touching off port inputs low voltage, reader begins
to read card in cycle ,and shut off in a period of time.
5 Interfacing identification:
Interfacing identification is designed for reducing the prolixity of the data that reader uploads. If
choosing the function, reader will only upload a set of data when reader reads the same card in
multi-connection. Namely that if the interval time of interfacing reading two times exceeds the effective
time, reader won’t process interfacing identification. So users should choose it according special
Third: Setting Parameter of HYR6021A Reader
Our company provides Configure exe programs for the fitting of the working parameter of the reader;
the parameter fitting program is like the following picture