List of usual values and safeguard settings - general
For each system of the engine the tables in the chapter that follows give the values for usual
operation and the trigger values for safeguard settings.
Tables - identification
The tables give the data that follow:
This list gives the description of the object or of the system.
Medium / physical value / location
This list gives the data that follow:
Medium that is monitored
Physical parameter and unit
Location of the measurement
Usual operation (value or range)
This list gives the setpoint or the range for usual operation.
Signal number
This list gives the signal number as follows (refer also to
First two letters (XX) - Function code
Four digit number of the signal (for example 10NN)
First two numbers - Function group
Second two numbers - Running number
-nn - If more than one signal of the same type is applicable (for example
nnA is TE2501A, TE2502A, TE2503A)
Last letter - Applied system
This list gives one of the functions that follow:
ALM - Alarm
GTrip - Gas Trip (the ECS changes to diesel mode)
SLD - Slowdown
SHD - Shutdown
This list gives one of the levels that follow:
D - Deviation
H - High
L - Low
Operation Manual
List of usual values and safeguard settings - general
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
- 576 -
Issue 002 2020-08