How to purge new LP-Gas Burnisher cylinders equipped with the Overfill Prevention Device:
New containers may contain vapor, air, or other contaminants. It is essential that these be removed before filling
the container and placing it into service. Air in the container will cause abnormally high pressure, with the result
that the pressure relief valve may open. Air in the system is also likely to cause lean mixture, making ignition
difficult. If a cylinder is suspected of being depressurized or open to the atmosphere for a period of time, it must
be re-purged as if it were a new container.
To purge a container, the following steps should be taken.
1. Purging of containers should be performed in an approved area (see NFPA 05 8) using NPGA #13
3.89(a) procedure.
2. Determine if the container pressure is zero. Should the cylinder contain only pressurized air, the air may
be vented directly to the atmosphere through the service valve using an adapter and the outage valve.
Pressurize the container to approximately 15 psig with LP-gas vapor. Never purge with liquid LP-gas! To
do so will cause the moisture vapor to chill and remain in the cylinder. LP gas liquid also expands 270
times to vapor making the purge process ineffective. Use LP-gas vapor only!
3. Make the connection to the quick coupler (A purge manifold system is most effective). Fully open the
cylinder service valve as well as the outage valve. Vent to a safe atmosphere. A vent stack is
4. On Overfill Prevention Device cylinders, the purge time is increased as a result of the new valve design.
Opening the outage valve will help improve the speed of the purge.
5. Repeat #3 and #4 for a total of FIVE purges.
6. Re-pressurize the container with odorized LP-gas vapor to 15 psig.
7. The container is now ready to be filled with LP-gas.
8. Once filled, check all fittings and tank openings for leaks using an approved leak detector solution.
9. The container is now ready to be placed in service. Add DOT and OSHA labels.
Symptoms of a non-purge cylinder:
• Relief valve opens due to over pressurized cylinder creating hazardous situation.
• Moisture in the cylinder.
• Burnisher operates initially but shuts down when fuel mixture becomes too lean.