• Selects the temperature display in °C or °F
• We recommend using alkaline batteries for the remote
rain gauge, temperature sensor and main unit when
temperatures are above 32°F (0°C). We recommend
using lithium batteries when temperatures are below
32°F (0°C).
• Do not use rechargeable batteries.
• ALWAYS install batteries in the remote rain gauge
and the remote temperature sensor before the main
• Insert batteries before fi rst use, matching the polarity
in the battery compartment.
• Press RESET in the remote temperature sensor aft er
each battery change with a paper clip or similar tool.
• Remove protective plastic screen from LCD display.
• During initial setup, place the main unit close to the
remote rain gauge and remote temperature sensor.
• Important: Only aft er reception is established (the
remote rainfall data and temperature will appear on
the main unit’s display), you may position and mount
the remote sensors (the rain gauge and the tempera-
ture sensor) and the main unit within the eff ective
transmission range of 100 feet (30 meters).
• Place the remote rain gauge outdoors on a level, open
area, away from walls, fences and trees.
• It is important that excess precipitation can freely fl ow
from the remote rain gauge.
• Th e remote temperature sensor can be placed indoors
or outdoors, depending on the area where the tem-
perature is intended to be measured.
•Th e main unit must be placed indoors.
1. Avoid pressing any buttons on the main unit
before the remote rainfall and temperature data is
2. Th e eff ective operating range may be infl uenced by
the surrounding building materials and how the
receiver (main unit) and transmitters (remote rain
gauge and temperature sensor) are positioned.
3. Place the remote rain gauge and temperature sensor
so that it faces the main unit (receiver), minimizing
obstructions such as doors, walls, and furniture.
4. Th ough the remote temperature sensor is weather-re-
sistant, it should be placed away from direct sunlight,
rain, or snow. Th e best suggested location for the
remote temperature sensor for outdoors is under an
eave on the north side of the building.
NOTE: When temperatures fall below freezing, the
batteries in the remote rain gauge and outdoor remote
temperature sensor may have reduced voltage supply
and a shorter eff ective range. We recommend using
lithium batteries at temperatures of 32°F (0°C) and
below. We also recommend covering the remote rain
gauge tightly with plastic during snow storms or move
it indoors.