5. Burner comes “ON”,
blower comes “ON”, but
burner cycles “OFF” and
“ON” with blower “ON”.
6. Furnace operates but turns
“OFF” before room
temperature is attained.
7. Furnace operates but
will bnot shut “OFF”
when room temperature
is attained.
8. Abnormal operation.
9. Burner comes “ON” but
goes “OFF” after operating
for no apparent reason.
A. Furnace operating over-rate.
B. Line voltage too low.
C. Recirculation.
A. Thermostat location.
B. Defective thermostat.
A. Thermostat wiring defective.
B. Thermostat location.
A. Blower noise.
B. Expansion noise ticking.
C. Selector switch defective
A. Vent tube and air inlet tube
improperly installed.
Check for high gas pressure at the gas valve - correct if necessary. See
correct pressure above.
Check line voltage to motor, if below 115 volts the motor will run too slow.
Heated air discharging against an object causing recirculation, such as a
hall installation or a large piece of furniture within 4’ of discharge.
Check location of the thermostat. It should not be in the path of warm air
discharge from the furnace, near a lamp, or above a TV set or stereo.
Check the thermostat calibration or replace.
Check the thermostat wiring from furnace to the thermostat - may be
shorted together by a nail or staple.
Check thermostat location - if on an outside wall or there is a hole in wall
behind the thermostat causing cold air to contact the thermostat, relocate
the thermostat.
Check the motor mounts - they may be loose. Fan blade could be out
of balance. Set screw may be loose on the motor shaft. Blower may be
rubbing on the fan shroud. Motor may need oiling. Correct as needed.
Check installation - casing may be twisted or not level when installed.
Expansion slip joint may be binding; check by removing vent cap assembly
from outside wall.
During normal furnace operation the motor will be on “LOW” speed
when operating on minimum input capacity and on “HIGH” speed when
operating at maximum input capacity. If there is no change in motor
speed, replace the selector switch.
Check the vent tube and air inlet tube. Follow the installation instructions.
Be sure joints are tight and both tubes are in place. Use only the vent tubes
furnished. Do not extend tubes beyond their original length.