Lights, Signals, Switches and Handlebars
• Check all lights, meters, indicator lights and electrical connections to make sure
they are all in proper working condition.
• Check the handlebars make sure they turn both ways smoothly.
• Always check the tires before riding, be sure they are in good condition, check
for nails, glass or any other items that may puncture your tire. Check for cracks
in the side wall. If there are any problems with the tires please
replace immediately.
Tire Pressure
• To ensure maximum performance and safe operation please check the tire
pressure before riding. Do not over inflate your scooters tires because the
handling characteristics are different when the maximum air pressure
has been exceeded.
• Front Tire Pressure: 28 psi (cold)
• Rear Tire Pressure: 34 psi (cold)
• Check the brakes before you ride each time if they are soft and spongy or are not
working right, please replace immediately.
• Check your brake fluid level, add if necessary.
• Apply the brakes and make sure that the fluid is not leaking out of the brake
lines or the master cylinder.
Brake fluid may destroy painted surfaces or plastic parts, be sure to
clean up all spills.
Brake Fluid Level
1. When checking the fluid level make sure the top of the brake master cylinder
is level by centering the handlebars.
2. Refill with DOT 3 brake fluid. Mixing fluid may result in a harmful chemical reaction
and lead to poor brake performance.
3. Be careful that water does not enter the master cylinder when refilling.
Pre Ride Check
• Check before you ride. Do not over fill the tank. Fuel capacity: 1 gal.
• Turn the throttle and make sure that it turns smoothly, freely
and returns to idle when released.
Checking the Engine Oil
• Place the scooter on a level ground on the center stand.
• If the oil level is below the designated area, add 5W50,
10W50 or 15W50 synthetic oil until the level is between the
lower and upper marks on the dipstick. Do not overfill.
Be sure the scooter is level when checking the oil. A slight tilt to the left or
right can cause a false reading.
Steering Inspection
• Place the scooter on a stand so that the front wheel is off the ground. Hold the
lower end of the front fork and try to move it forward and backward. If any free
play can be felt consult a mechanic regarding the steering bearings.
Securely support the scooter so there is no danger of it falling over.
Final Drive Oil
• Recommended Oil: 5W50, 10W50 or 15W50 synthetic engine oil.
Please have the last 7 digits of your VIN# ready when you call for parts.
Have a problem - Need parts - Please call Toll Free (866) 658-7300 • Email: [email protected]