WIKA operating instructions pressure gauge, model PG28
14401362.01 06/2020 EN/DE
The instrument must only be used with media which are not harmful
to the wetted parts over the entire operating range of the instrument.
Any change in the state of the matter or any decomposition of unstable
media is not permitted.
Only use the instrument in applications that lie within its technical
performance limits (e.g. max. ambient temperature, material
compatibility, ...).
→ For performance limits see chapter 9 “Specifications”.
In order to achieve an optimal service life of the instrument,
it is recommended to load the instrument between 1/3 x PS
and 2/3 x PS. See Technical information IN 00.05.
This instrument is not permitted to be used in hazardous areas!
The instrument has been designed and built solely for the intended use
described here, and may only be used accordingly.
The technical specifications contained in these operating instructions
and the limit values in accordance with EN 837-1 must be observed.
Improper handling or operation of the instrument outside of its technical
specifications and the limit values in accordance with EN 837-1 requires
the instrument to be taken out of service immediately and inspected by
an authorised WIKA service engineer.
With instruments which do not correspond to the safety version “S3”,
highly pressurised media might leak out through the possibly bursting
window in case of a component failure.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for claims of any type based on
operation contrary to the intended use.
3. Safety