Ku nsts tof fsch wei ßte chni k
Starting and Operating
Chapter 5
Working Instructions WIDOS HRG 14, Segment
Page 21 of 42
5.4. Welding Process
The respectively valid w elding prescriptions (ISO / CEN / DVS ...) are to be basically
follow ed.
Wear safety gloves as a protection against burning !
A stop-w atch must be available for recording the actual times for heating and cooling.
A w elding table must be available from w hich the parameters for the pipe dimensions to
be w elded prescribed by the w elding prescriptions may be taken.
The heating element surfaces must be clean, especially non greasy, therefore they need to
be cleaned shortly before each w elding or in case of dirtiness by means of a fibre-free
paper and a cleaning agent (e.g. PE cleaner). The anti-adhesive coating of the heating
element must remain undamaged in the w orking area.
Sw itch on the heating element and set the required w elding temperature (standard value
for PE-HD: 210°C) at the thermoregulator.
If the control lamp blinks, the desired temperature is reached and maintained by a
certain pulse-position ratio.
Mount the reducer inserts according to the pipe outside diameter to be w elded.
Lay the pipes into the clamping devices and take care that the upper clamping rings are
mounted w ith the locking forks show ing to the machine center. Tighten firmly the clamping
nuts, respectively close the clamping cylinders and align the pipe ends w ith respect to
each other.
Alw ays use
rollerstands for alignment.
If need be cut plane (see point: 5.3)
Close the slides thereby reading the
movement pressure
on the pressure gauge.
The movement pressure is displayed exactly w hen the slide w ith the clamped pipe passes
over into its movement.
Check pipe mismatch and gap on the joining pipe ends. According to DVS 2207, the
mismatch on the pipe outer side must not exceed 0.1 x pipe w all thickness, the admissible
gap must not exceed 1.5 mm. The mismatch compensation is carried out by further
tightening or releasing of the clamping nuts.
The adjustment pressure for the pipe dimension to be w elded can be gathered from the
w elding table. Add the movement pressure.
Set the resulting pressure value at the pressure relief valve and check it by actuating the
valve lever.
Open slides again slightly.
Gather heating time, maximum change over time, cooling time and bead height for the
pipe dimension to be w elded from the table.
Move the heating element w hich has been cleaned and brought to desired temperature,
betw een the pipes, if necessary w ait until the control lamp on the heating element blinks in
regular intervals.