Starting and operating
Chapter 5
Working instructions WIDOS 2500 - 250 adjustable
Page 21 of 48
5.3.7. Joining / cooling
When the welding force is built up with cross handle (6), arrest the support tension lever (5)
and press the stop-watch.
If necessary, re-adjust the force during the cooling time (cooling force = adjusting force).
5.3.8. End of welding
Necessarily hold tight
to the turnstile (6) before you release the clamping lever
(5) and if the slides have been driven together with force!
Release the clamping lever (5) after the cooling time has elapsed and reduce the force by
the turnstile (6).
Open the clamping tools and remove the welded piece.
Afterwards open the support, welding is completed.
5.4. Welding of angles
When welding angles, the welding surface of the pipe and thus the necessary pressure
Calculate the necessary pressure as follows:
Take the prescribed value for adjusting or cooling from the table.
Multiply the pressure value with factor /cos (angle).
This will give the following factors:
Welding 15°
(chamfered pipe with 7,5°):
Welding 22,5°
(chamfered pipe with 11,25°):
Welding 30°
(chamfered pipe with 15°):
Add the motional pressure as usual.
All the other welding parameters remain as usual.