Please be sure to keep your hearing aid and its acces-
sories out of the reach of children, who might place
them in their mouths.
Also keep batteries out of children’s reach and dis-
card used batteries carefully.
Do not change batteries in front of children or let
them see where you keep your supply.
Never put batteries in your mouth for any reason and
never let a child obtain a battery or place it in his or
her mouth.
In case of ingestion, contact your physician immedi-
The hearing aid is made of modern non-allergenic ma-
terials. Still, in rare cases skin irritation can occur. If
you notice skin irritation in or around your ear or ear
canal, contact your hearing healthcare professional.
The use of hearing aids increases the risk of accumu-
lation of earwax, which can temporarily reduce your
hearing ability. Contact your ENT doctor if you sus-
pect that a plug of earwax has accumulated in your