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The description of this page parameter
IP address/
subnet Mask
The IP address/subnet mask corresponding to the ONU Local
Maintenance Page.
Enable DHCP server Open the DHCP server function
Start IP address
The starting address of the dynamic IP address assigned by the
DHCP server to the terminal device ,it must be the same
network segment as the IP address of the ONU
ending IP address
The ending address of the dynamic IP address assigned by the
DHCP server to the terminal device ,it must be the same
network segment as the IP address of the ONU
Assign IspDNS
Close the DNS server assign function
Default Gateway
Open the Gateway server assign function
Lease Time
IP address lease period
1 MAC address filtering
With this operation, legal computers can normally access Internet connection services
by setting MAC address filtering, or illegal computers can not access Internet
connection services. A computer may have multiple IP addresses, but the MAC
address is unique. MAC address filtering can effectively control the access rights of