If you have respiratory problems, asthma and allergies, your Whynter RPD-411WG portable dehumidifier is a great
option for controlling moist environments. Creating dry air can keep indoor air pollutants at a more manageable lev-
el, especially when used in conjunction with an air purifier. Using your portable dehumidifier can help you save mon-
ey in the long run because it uses relatively little power and can help furnaces and air conditioners operate more
Excess moisture
Indoor environments with excessive moisture can cause mold and fungus to thrive inside the walls and be-
neath the carpet. Many types of mold are potentially dangerous and can lead to health problems. The Whynter
RPD-411WG portable dehumidifier reduces the amount of moisture in the air inside a home, which makes it far
more difficult for harmful mold to grow. This portable dehumidifier is also effective for a small area, such as a hall-
way or bedroom.
Respiratory problems or allergies
The Whynter RPD-411WG is a 40-pint portable dehumidifier which is perfect for larger rooms or areas in
your home, including a living room or family room. If your home is musty, you will want to use your portable dehu-
midifier, especially if you have respiratory trouble or allergies. This unit can also help relieve symptoms by control-
ling the relative humidity inside your home and a good idea in general if your home has such underlying problems
as a leaky foundation walls or inadequate ventilation or if you live in a humid area. By keeping the relative humidity
indoors below 50 percent, you can keep allergy-inducing dust mites and mold from thriving.
If you have a basement that is below-grade, you should use your Whynter RPD-411WG portable dehumidi-
fier. This dehumidifier will help you keep the moisture levels in your basement down to manageable levels. By doing
this, you can help keep your indoor furnace operating efficiently and even help eliminate minor standing-water prob-
lems. Your portable dehumidifier also can help keep furniture and valuables dry, and it will help keep electronics in
proper working order.
Humid climates
In humid climates, such as areas near a beach or large body of water, your Whynter RPD-411WG portable
dehumidifier can help keep the environment in your home at a more comfortable level. While the actual temperature
won't be affected, you'll sleep more comfortably and may actually save money, since your unit can keep the indoor
humidity and, thus, your thermostat under control.