Garrett Metal Detectors
Unravel the cable and wind it around the stem
assembly. The first revolution
should be OVER the
top of the stem with a small amount of slack. This
is done so that the searchcoil can be paddled back-
wards toward the stem without putting a strain on
the cable. Wind cable firmly all the way to the con-
nector on the back of the control box
Then plug
connector into control box and turn lock ring to
secure. To secure cable, wrap Velcro cable retainers
around stem and cable, one near the searchcoil and
one near the handle.
prevent scraping your detector box by
adhering the included pair of peel and stick rubber
feet to bottom side of box.
Grip the detector by the handle, with your
arm in the elbow cup with strap secure, and
sweep the coil over the floor. If the detector
fit feels uncomfortable, adjust the elbow cup by
removing and repositioning the bolt and install-
ing in one of the optional positions. If necessary,
readjust clevis/lower stem length with the spring
clip buttons so that the search coil can be held near
the floor without requiring stooping over.
Adjust the elbow cup strap so that it is loose
enough for you to slide your arm in and out
without loosening each time you want to set the
detector down.
Install battery with plastic tab and steel contacts
facing toward inside of battery compartment. The
24k ships with a set of eight rechargeable batteries
that may require charging before use.
The detector may not work as expected indoors
due to the high degree of metals (nails, pipes, etc.)
used in modern construction and the presence of
electrical interference. It is best to tune and prac-
tice outdoors to ensure stable and more predictable
Headphones subject
to change
Not shown: warranty card
and quick start guide
GM24k Assembly
Lower and middle stems
Washers, nut, bolt
Rubber feet
Headphone adaptor
Velcro cable retainers
Headphone jack dust cover
AA battery
recharging kit with
universal adaptors
12v charger cables
for car or battery