GM24k Controls
10 Garrett Metal Detectors
Volume Adjust
Threshold Adjust
The VOLUME control on your
adjusts the sound level of target sounds and
confirmation beeps. It is used in conjunc-
tion with the THRESHOLD to give you the
most control over the dynamic range of your
detector. This control is adjusted by tapping
the SPEAKER icon and then using the UP and
DOWN buttons to adjust it louder or quieter.
Note that holding the SPEAKER button adjusts
the threshold, which will display the letters “th”
on screen. Adjust the THRESHOLD so you can
hear a faint hum. This allows for best perfor-
mance on small targets.
For example, with a low THRESHOLD and a
high VOLUME, there is a large range of sig-
nals you might hear. Some will be just above
the threshold; others will bang out loud and
clear. You can adjust VOLUME and THRESH-
OLD to your preference, but in general the best
range of target sounds will be available with
a high volume and low threshold. At volume
levels 9 and 10, you will see “b1” and “b2” on
the display as these two levels enable consecu-
tive audio boosts for low signals.
External Speaker or Headphones?
Volume/Threshold Adjustment
There are advantages to running your
with headphones. Battery life will be increased and it will be
much easier to hear the faintest signals. Wind especially can cause issues with using the external speaker
on a gold detector, as the buffeting in your ears can mask small target sounds.
However, in snake country or in hot and humid conditions, headphones may not be an option. The
has independent volume settings, meaning that you can adjust the volume for the external speaker as well
as the headphones. These settings are saved when you power the machine down. The
senses when headphones are plugged in, and the machine will switch to the saved headphone volume level.
It then returns to the saved speaker volume level when the headphones are removed.