reached. After the furnace turns off, it
will not turn on again for at least six
minutes. After six minutes, the furnace
will turn on if the room temperature is
below the set/setback temperature
range. The heat indicator arrow on the
display will flash if the furnace is waiting
to turn on after the six-minute minimum
cycle time has expired.
In the cooling mode, once the cooling
unit has turned on, it will continue to run
for at least six minutes, even if the set (or
setback) temperature is reached in less
than six minutes. If the room tempera-
ture does not reach the set/setback
temperature during the minimum
period, the cooling unit will continue to
The thermostat has built-in timing cycle
controls. These controls increase the
efficiency of your system and protect the
system from turning on and off exces-
sively (excessive cycling may damage the
system or shorten its life).
In the heating mode, once the furnace
has turned on, it will continue to run for
at least four minutes, even if the set (or
setback) temperature is reached in less
than four minutes. If the room tempera-
ture does not reach the set/setback
temperature during the minimum
period, the furnace will continue to run
until the set/setback temperature is