or water filled objects, with line-of-
sight orientation yielding maximum
range. At long distances you may
have to move the receivers to one
side or another to overcome dead
Basic Hardware Setup
1. Install two "AA" batteries (sup-
plied with each transmitter) in the
RadioRemote One handheld transmit-
ter by sliding back the battery com-
partment access door. Make sure to
orient the batteries as indicated in the
b a t t e ry we l l . Transmitter batteries
should last several months during nor-
mal service . If in doubt, fresh batteries
should be installed. Note the transmit-
ter automatically shuts off when not in
For fixed installations the DC power
supply provided with each receiver
should be used. However, two "AA"
batteries may be used as an alternative
to the DC power supply. The receiver
is equipped with a low-battery LED
indicator which will blink four (4)
times when the unit is first turned on if
the battery power is depleted by two-
thirds. Otherwise, the LED will blink
once to indicate that the receiver is
active. Under normal use, the receiver
battery life is estimated at approxi-
mately 100 hours of use.
2.The RadioRemote One transmitter
and receiver(s) are furnished with Velcro
pads that can be attached to the back of
the unit. The supplied Velcro fastener
straps can be used to attach the unit to
a stand.
3. Connect each RadioRemote One
receiver to a White Lightning Ultra, X-
Series,or UltraZap flash unit via the sup-
plied 6 ft.modular telephone type cable.
If the cord supplied contains an interfer-
ence suppressor that end should be
plugged into the RR1 unit.Longer cables
may be purchased from the factory.
4.An auxiliary sync output jack is avail-
able on the top ap ron of the
RadioRemote One receiver. Use this jack
to fire flash units not equipped with the
White Lightning standard remote con-
trol jack via a suitable cable wired for the
specific brand of flash.
5 . Using the supplied screw d r i ve r,
select the desired bank and channel for
each of the RadioRemote One receivers
in your system. There are 16 possible
channels for each of 16 banks of flash
units. Remember that all receivers asso-
ciated with a particular transmitter and
camera should be assigned to the same
Bank. As shipped from the factory, all
re c e i vers are preset to Bank 1 and
Channel 1.
6.When using the system in a high light
area such as outdoors, or when other
flashes may be present, disable the built-
in slave trippers in each White Lightning
Ultra, X-Series or UltraZap by plugging
an unwired 1/4” stereo phone plug (avail-
able at Radio Shack and other electron-
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