For example, if channels 1 and 2 are at a
Full Power (-0.0f) and the ALL function is
used to try to "move’ the entire scene to a
higher power setting the system will not
increment any of the units. The CHAN
display will first read "1", indicating that
Channel 1 is an over-ranged channel. By
using the individual flashpower channel
adjustment pro c e d u re and decre a s i n g
Channel 1 to less than 0.0f,the system will
now indicate "2" in the CHAN display
when attempting to use the ALL function
to increment up.
Channels Pr ogrammed OFF
Channels that are O F F
during the
bracketing procedure will not be changed.
When any Channel is switched to
the OFF state, then returned to the
ON condition,the previous flashpow-
er and modeling lamp states are
re s t o red
RadioRemote One transmitter.
Accordingly, if it is desired to bracket
only certain lights, the user may tem-
porarily make the remaining lights inac-
tive (OFF ) while the bracketing adjust-
ment is made, then turn them back ON .
Assigning a Channel to the OFF mode
turns off the associated modeling lamp and
prevents the unit from responding to any
type of sync signal.
Battery Saving Features
The RadioRemote One hand transmit-
ter utilizes software routines which, when
left idle for more than two minutes,put it
to "SLEEP" to save valuable battery power.
All that is required to "WAKE" the trans-
mitter is to press any button. Pressing a
button serves only to wake the transmitter
as indicated by the LCD display. The func-
tion associated with the first button press
when asleep is not executed - a second
button press is required to execute the
function. Operating the camera, however,
immediately fires the lights even when the
unit is asleep.
General Care Issues
• Avoid exposure to moisture.
• Avoid temperatures in excess of 110
degrees F or below freezing.
• The batteries should be re m ove d
from the transmitter for long term
• The usage of alkaline batteries are rec-
ommended for optimum performance.
• When powering the receivers from bat-
teries,the receivers should be turned off
when not in use .
Radio Transmission
All radio communication links are sub-
ject to external interference and environ-
mental operating conditions which may
impede system performance in certain cir-
cumstances. ‘Multipath’ reception, which
can occur when signals arrive via different
paths from the same transmitter, is char-
acterized by "dead zones" in the reception
area.The proximity of various items such
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