© Copyright 2006-2007 White Box Robotics Inc. and Frontline Robotics Inc
sview [0.1 0.8 10]
# the view of the downward facing ones are set at the ground hit
# range even though they do extend farther.
sview[5] [0.2 0.68 10]
sview[6] [0.2 0.46 10]
sview[7] [0.2 0.68 10]
# define the size of each transducer [xsize ysize] in meters
ssize [0.01 0.03]
# a PC-BOT 914 in standard configuration
define wbr914 position
# actual size of robot in meters for scaling
size [0.45 0.35]
# the PC-BOT's center of rotation is offset from its center of area
origin [0 0.0 0]
# draw a nose on the robot so we can see which way it points
gui_nose 1
# estimated mass in KG
mass 25.0
# this polygon approximates the shape of a PC-BOT 914
# Use two polygons to draw the robot
polygons 2
# details of the first polygon
# polygon[index].points (total number of polygon points)
polygon[0].points 12
# polygon[index].point[index] [ xpos ypos ]
polygon[0].point[0] [ 0.11 0.17 ]
polygon[0].point[1] [ 0.13 0.12 ]
polygon[0].point[2] [ 0.18 0.11 ]
polygon[0].point[3] [ 0.18 -0.11 ]
polygon[0].point[4] [ 0.13 -0.12 ]
polygon[0].point[5] [ 0.11 -0.17 ]
polygon[0].point[6] [ -0.11 -0.17 ]
polygon[0].point[7] [ -0.14 -0.12 ]
polygon[0].point[8] [ -0.18 -0.11 ]
polygon[0].point[9] [ -0.18 0.11 ]
polygon[0].point[10] [ -0.14 0.12 ]
polygon[0].point[11] [ -0.11 0.17 ]