Whirlwind - H7 – User Manual – P. 8
3. Connect the Seat to the Main Frame
a) To do this, use 4 X Screw and 4 X Anti-Slip
b) Align each Screw with the corresponding hole
in the Seat.
c) Using an Allen Key, reach under the Seat to
fasten each Screw with an Anti-Slip Nut.
4. Connect the Front Panel to the Main Frame
a) To do this, use 1 X Nob
b) Insert 1 X Nob into the hole in the Main Panel
and tighten it by turning it to the Right.
c) Align the Front Panel tube and the Main Panel
tube and while pulling the Nob upwards, slide the
Front Panel Tube into the Main Panel Tube.
d) Release the Nob into a selected hole – the
hole chosen will determine the Length of the
HoverKart and this can be adjusted by selecting
any of the other holes in the Front Panel.