Whirlpool Cabrio 6AWTW5550X Use And Care Manual Download Page 6



  To allow  for proper load sensing, the lid w ill lock and the 
Lid Lock light w ill turn on. This light indicates that the lid 
is locked and cannot be opened. 

If you need to open the lid, press  
S TA R T/P ause/U nlock. The lid w ill unlock  
once the w asher m ovem ent has stopped.  
This m ay take several m inutes if the load  
w as spinning at high speed. P ress  
S TA R T/P ause/U nlock again to resum e  
the cycle.


  Item s to  

w ash :

C ycle:

Wash /R in se 

Tem p eratu re:

S p in  

S p eed :

S o il 

L evel:

Availab le 

O p tio n s:

C ycle D etails:

M achine-w ash 
silks, hand-
w ash fabrics


Hot/C old

W arm /C old

C o o l/C o ld

C old/C old


L o w

N o S pin

Extra Heavy


M edium

L ig h t

Extra R inse 

Extra R inse 

S m all loads,  
perm  press

N o-iron fabrics, 
cottons, perm  
press, linens, 

C ottons, linens, 
sheets, and 
m ixed garm ent 

Large item s 
such as sleeping 
bags, sm all 
com forters, 

S turdy fabrics,  
colorfast item s, 
tow els, jeans

C ottons, sheets, 
and m ixed 
garm ent loads.

S w im suits and 
item s requiring 
rinsing w ithout 

Q uick  

W ash

C asual

N orm al*

B ulky 
Item s




N orm al

R inse &   

S pin

U se this cycle to w ash lightly soiled  
garm ents indicating “M achine W ashable 
S ilks” or “G entle” cycle on the care label. 
P lace sm all item s in m esh garm ent bags 
before w ashing.

U se this cycle to w ash sm all, lightly 
soiled loads of 2–3 item s that are needed 
in a hurry. This cycle features a spray 

U se this cycle to w ash loads of no-iron 
fabrics such as sport shirts, blouses,  
casual business clothes, perm anent  
press, and blends.

U se Hot or W arm  w ash tem perature for 
norm ally soiled cottons and m ixed fabric 
loads. C ool and C old w ash settings allow  
you to w ash sm aller, slightly soiled loads. 
This cycle features a spray rinse.  
Low -speed spin is not available.

U se this cycle to w ash large item s such as 
jackets and sm all com forters. The w asher 
w ill fill w ith enough w ater to w et dow n the 
load before the w ash portion of the cycle 
begins. Do not overload basket.

U se this cycle for heavily soiled or  
sturdy item s. W ater-level sensing process 
m ay take longer for som e item s than for 
others because they w ill absorb m ore 
w ater than other fabric types.

The Eco N orm al cycle allow s you to 
w ash sm aller loads (7.0 kg or sm aller) to 
increase energy savings com pared to the 
N orm al cycle. W hen this cycle is used, 
the w ash cycle w ill use cooler w ash w ater 
tem peratures than the N orm al cycle.

C om bines a rinse and spin for loads 
requiring an additional rinse cycle or to 
com plete a load after pow er interruption. 
S pin speed is selectable; default is high. 
This cycle uses a higher, preset w ater level. 
A lso use for loads that require rinsing only.

Extra R inse 

Extra R inse 

Extra R inse 

Extra R inse 

Extra R inse 

Hot/C old

Warm /C o ld

C ool/C old
C old/C old

Hot/C old

W arm /C old

C o o l/C o ld

C old/C old

Hot/C old

Warm /C o ld

C ool/C old
C old/C old

Hot/C old

Warm /C o ld

C ool/C old
C old/C old

H o t/C o ld

W arm /C old

C ool/C old
C old/C old

Hot/C old

Warm /C o ld

C ool/C old
C old/C old

C o ld /C o ld

H ig h


N o S pin


L o w

N o S pin

H ig h  

N o S pin


L o w

N o S pin

H ig h

N o S pin

H ig h

H ig h


N o S pin

Extra Heavy


M edium

L ig h t

Extra Heavy


M ed iu m


Extra Heavy


M ed iu m


Extra Heavy


M ed iu m


E xtra H eavy


M edium


Extra Heavy


M ed iu m


S ettings and options show n in 

b o ld

 are default settings for that cycle. For best fabric care, choose the cycle that best fits the load  

being w ashed. 
N ot all cycles and options are available on all m odels. M axim um  Load: 8.0 kg

Hand-w ashed 
item s or dripping  
w et item s

Drain &   

S pin

This cycle uses a spin to shorten drying 
tim es for heavy fabrics or special-care 
item s w ashed by hand. U se this cycle to 
drain w asher after cancelling a cycle or 
com pleting a cycle after a pow er failure.

H ig h  


N o S pin

N o clothes  
in w asher

C lean 

W asher

U se once a m onth to keep the inside  
of the w asher fresh and clean. Higher 
w ater levels and bleach


w ork together  

to thoroughly clean the w asher interior.

Heavily soiled  

S oak

S elect S oil Level to adjust soaking cycle 
tim e. A fter tim e has expired, w ater w ill 
drain but w asher w ill not spin.

Hot/C old

W arm /C old

C o o l/C o ld

C old/C old

N o  S p in

Extra Heavy


M edium

L ig h t

H o t/C o ld

H ig h

E xtra H eavy


 R eference program m e for Energy and W ater Labeling, according to A ustralian S tandards A S /N Z S  2040.1 and A S /N Z S  2040.2,  
w ith the follow ing options selected: N orm al, W arm  Tem perature, Extra Heavy S oil Level, and High S pin S peed.

Summary of Contents for Cabrio 6AWTW5550X

Page 1: ...tents M O D EL 6AWTW5550X W WASH ER SAFETY 2 WASH ER D I SP O SAL 3 WH AT S N EW U N D ER TH E LI D 4 C O N TR O L PAN EL AN D FEATU R ES 5 C Y C LE G U I D E 6 U SI N G Y O U R WASH ER 7 U si ng Laundry P roductD i spensers 8 Starti ng Your Washer 8 WASH ER M AI N TEN AN C E 10 TR O U B LESH O O TI N G 12 ASSI STAN C E O R SER VI C E 16 ...

Page 2: ...sory or m ental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instructions concerning use of the appliance by persons responsible for their safety B efore the washer is rem oved from service or discarded rem ove the door or lid D o not reach into the washer if the drum tub or agitator is m oving D o not install or store the washer where it will be expo...

Page 3: ...3 W A S H E R D IS P O S A L ...

Page 4: ...nd reduced rinsing perform ance I t m ay also result in com ponent failures and noticeable m old or m ildew HE detergents are m ade to produce the right am ount of suds for the best perform ance Follow the m anufacturer s instructions to determ ine the am ount of detergent to use N orm al S ou nd s You Can E xp ect At different stages of the w ash cycle you m ay hear sounds and noises that are dif...

Page 5: ...o m ost cycles FAB R I C SO FTEN ER This option m ust be selected if using fabric softener during a cycle I t ensures that fabric softener is added at the correct tim e in the rinse for even distribution 1 1 2 5 5 2 C Y C LE STATU S LI G H TS I N D I C ATO R The C ycle Status Lights show the progress of a cycle At each stage of the process you m ay notice sounds or pauses that are different from t...

Page 6: ...w ater than other fabric types The Eco N orm al cycle allow s you to w ash sm aller loads 7 0 kg or sm aller to increase energy savings com pared to the N orm al cycle W hen this cycle is used the w ash cycle w ill use cooler w ash w ater tem peratures than the N orm al cycle C om bines a rinse and spin for loads requiring an additional rinse cycle or to com plete a load after pow er interruption ...

Page 7: ...S SFTJTUBOU JUFNT MPBE evenly See C ycle G uide for tips and m ore inform ation on using the B ulky I tem s cycle t 6TF NFTI HBSNFOU CBHT UP IFMQ BWPJE UBOHMJOH XIFO XBTIJOH delicate or sm all item s t 5VSO LOJUT JOTJEF PVU UP BWPJE QJMMJOH 4FQBSBUF MJOU UBLFST GSPN lint givers Synthetics knits and corduroy fabrics w ill pick up lint from tow els rugs and chenille fabrics N O TE Alw ays read and f...

Page 8: ...eaning w asher dispenser trays 3 Add H E detergentto di spenser 5 Add fabri c softener to di spenser Pour a m easured am ount of liquid fabric softener into tray Alw ays follow m anufacturer s directions for correct am ount of fabric softener based on your load size C lose dispenser draw er then select Fabric Softener option I M P O R TAN T Fabric Softener option m ust be selected to ensure proper...

Page 9: ...dam age to your garm ents 10 P ress STAR T P ause U nl ock to begi n w ash cycl e Press the STAR T Pause U nlock button to start the w ash cycle W hen the cycle has finished the DO N E indicator w ill light Prom ptly rem ove garm ents after cycle has com pleted to prevent odor reduce w rinkling and rusting of m etal hooks zippers and snaps U nl ocki ng the l i d to add garm ents I f you need to op...

Page 10: ... leaks are found W hen replacing your inlet hoses m ark the date of replacem ent on the label w ith a perm anent m arker WATER I N LET H O SES O perate your w asher only w hen you are hom e I f m oving or not using your w asher for a period of tim e follow these steps 1 U nplug or disconnect pow er to w asher 2 Turn off w ater supply to w asher to avoid flooding due to w ater pressure surge WI N T...

Page 11: ...nded am ount for a m edium size load TR AN SP O R TI N G Y O U R WASH ER 1 Shut off both w ater taps Disconnect and drain w ater inlet hoses 2 I f w asher w ill be m oved during freezing w eather follow W inter Storage C are directions before m oving 3 Disconnect drain from drain system and drain any rem aining w ater into a pan or bucket Disconnect drain hose from back of w asher 4 U nplug pow er...

Page 12: ...the load off the w ashplate resulting in less cleaning Washer notperform i ng as expected W asher m ay not be level W asher not level W ater m ay splash off basket if w asher is not level Fill hoses not attached tightly Tighten fill hose connection M ake sure all four fill hose flat w ashers are properly seated Drain hose connection Pull drain hose from w asher cabinet and properly secure it to dr...

Page 13: ...cont Do not add m ore w ater to the w asher TR O U B L E S H O O TIN G N orm al w asher operation C heck for proper w ater supply C heck proper electrical supply W asher not loaded properly W asher w on t run or fill w asher stops w orking W asher spins the load before filling to determ ine load size R em ove several item s rearrange load evenly in basket and add detergent C lose lid and press STA...

Page 14: ...extract m ore m oisture than traditional top load w ashers Dry spots on load after cycle TR O U B L E S H O O TIN G I ncorrect or w rong w ash or rinse tem peratures C heck for proper w ater supply M ake sure hot and cold inlet hoses are not reversed B oth hoses m ust be attached to both w asher and tap and have both hot and cold w ater flow ing to inlet valve C heck that inlet valve screens are n...

Page 15: ...w ater to rem ain in dispenser Sm all am ount of w ater still in dispenser after cycle N orm al dispenser operation W asher not loaded properly W asher senses load size and adds correct am ount of w ater This is norm al and necessary for clothes to m ove Added w ater lifts the laundry off the w ashplate resulting in less effective cleaning W asher is less efficient at rinsing w hen load is tightly...

Page 16: ...t m ay save you the cost of a service call I f you still need help contact the dealer from w hom you purchased the w asher or a W hirlpool designated service com pany M onthly m aintenance not done as recom m ended U sing w rong or too m uch detergent R un the C lean W asher cycle m onthly See C leaning Your W asher in W asher M aintenance U nload w asher as soon as cycle is com plete U se only HE...

Page 17: ...17 N O TE S ...

Page 18: ...18 N O TE S ...

Page 19: ...19 N O TE S ...

Page 20: ... R egistered Tradem ark TM Tradem ark of W hirlpool U S A W10045637A 2011 W hirlpool C orporation 04 11 All rights reserved Printed in U S A ...
