To allow for proper load sensing, the lid w ill lock and the
Lid Lock light w ill turn on. This light indicates that the lid
is locked and cannot be opened.
If you need to open the lid, press
S TA R T/P ause/U nlock. The lid w ill unlock
once the w asher m ovem ent has stopped.
This m ay take several m inutes if the load
w as spinning at high speed. P ress
S TA R T/P ause/U nlock again to resum e
the cycle.
Item s to
w ash :
C ycle:
Wash /R in se
Tem p eratu re:
S p in
S p eed :
S o il
L evel:
Availab le
O p tio n s:
C ycle D etails:
M achine-w ash
silks, hand-
w ash fabrics
Hot/C old
W arm /C old
C o o l/C o ld
C old/C old
L o w
N o S pin
Extra Heavy
M edium
L ig h t
Extra R inse
Extra R inse
S m all loads,
perm press
N o-iron fabrics,
cottons, perm
press, linens,
C ottons, linens,
sheets, and
m ixed garm ent
Large item s
such as sleeping
bags, sm all
com forters,
S turdy fabrics,
colorfast item s,
tow els, jeans
C ottons, sheets,
and m ixed
garm ent loads.
S w im suits and
item s requiring
rinsing w ithout
Q uick
W ash
C asual
N orm al*
B ulky
Item s
N orm al
R inse &
S pin
U se this cycle to w ash lightly soiled
garm ents indicating “M achine W ashable
S ilks” or “G entle” cycle on the care label.
P lace sm all item s in m esh garm ent bags
before w ashing.
U se this cycle to w ash sm all, lightly
soiled loads of 2–3 item s that are needed
in a hurry. This cycle features a spray
U se this cycle to w ash loads of no-iron
fabrics such as sport shirts, blouses,
casual business clothes, perm anent
press, and blends.
U se Hot or W arm w ash tem perature for
norm ally soiled cottons and m ixed fabric
loads. C ool and C old w ash settings allow
you to w ash sm aller, slightly soiled loads.
This cycle features a spray rinse.
Low -speed spin is not available.
U se this cycle to w ash large item s such as
jackets and sm all com forters. The w asher
w ill fill w ith enough w ater to w et dow n the
load before the w ash portion of the cycle
begins. Do not overload basket.
U se this cycle for heavily soiled or
sturdy item s. W ater-level sensing process
m ay take longer for som e item s than for
others because they w ill absorb m ore
w ater than other fabric types.
The Eco N orm al cycle allow s you to
w ash sm aller loads (7.0 kg or sm aller) to
increase energy savings com pared to the
N orm al cycle. W hen this cycle is used,
the w ash cycle w ill use cooler w ash w ater
tem peratures than the N orm al cycle.
C om bines a rinse and spin for loads
requiring an additional rinse cycle or to
com plete a load after pow er interruption.
S pin speed is selectable; default is high.
This cycle uses a higher, preset w ater level.
A lso use for loads that require rinsing only.
Extra R inse
Extra R inse
Extra R inse
Extra R inse
Extra R inse
Hot/C old
Warm /C o ld
C ool/C old
C old/C old
Hot/C old
W arm /C old
C o o l/C o ld
C old/C old
Hot/C old
Warm /C o ld
C ool/C old
C old/C old
Hot/C old
Warm /C o ld
C ool/C old
C old/C old
H o t/C o ld
W arm /C old
C ool/C old
C old/C old
Hot/C old
Warm /C o ld
C ool/C old
C old/C old
C o ld /C o ld
H ig h
N o S pin
L o w
N o S pin
H ig h
N o S pin
L o w
N o S pin
H ig h
N o S pin
H ig h
H ig h
N o S pin
Extra Heavy
M edium
L ig h t
Extra Heavy
M ed iu m
Extra Heavy
M ed iu m
Extra Heavy
M ed iu m
E xtra H eavy
M edium
Extra Heavy
M ed iu m
S ettings and options show n in
b o ld
are default settings for that cycle. For best fabric care, choose the cycle that best fits the load
being w ashed.
N ot all cycles and options are available on all m odels. M axim um Load: 8.0 kg
Hand-w ashed
item s or dripping
w et item s
Drain &
S pin
This cycle uses a spin to shorten drying
tim es for heavy fabrics or special-care
item s w ashed by hand. U se this cycle to
drain w asher after cancelling a cycle or
com pleting a cycle after a pow er failure.
H ig h
N o S pin
N o clothes
in w asher
C lean
W asher
U se once a m onth to keep the inside
of the w asher fresh and clean. Higher
w ater levels and bleach
w ork together
to thoroughly clean the w asher interior.
Heavily soiled
S oak
S elect S oil Level to adjust soaking cycle
tim e. A fter tim e has expired, w ater w ill
drain but w asher w ill not spin.
Hot/C old
W arm /C old
C o o l/C o ld
C old/C old
N o S p in
Extra Heavy
M edium
L ig h t
H o t/C o ld
H ig h
E xtra H eavy
R eference program m e for Energy and W ater Labeling, according to A ustralian S tandards A S /N Z S 2040.1 and A S /N Z S 2040.2,
w ith the follow ing options selected: N orm al, W arm Tem perature, Extra Heavy S oil Level, and High S pin S peed.
Summary of Contents for Cabrio 6AWTW5550X
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