W asher not loaded properly.
W asher senses load size and adds correct am ount of w ater.
This is norm al and necessary for clothes to m ove.
A dded w ater lifts the laundry off the w ashplate, resulting in less
effective cleaning.
W asher is less efficient at rinsing w hen load is tightly packed.
Load garm ents in loose heaps evenly around the basket w all.
Load w ith dry item s only.
A dd only 1 or 2 garm ents after w asher has started.
N ot cleaning or
rem oving stains
W ash load not com pletely
covered in w ater.
A dded m ore w ater to w asher.
If yo u exp erien ce
P o ssib le C au ses
S o lu tio n
First try the solutions suggested here for assistance and to possibly avoid a service call.
N ot using HE detergent or using too
m uch HE detergent.
N ot using correct cycle for fabric type.
N ot using dispensers.
N ot w ashing like colors together.
The suds from regular detergent can keep w asher from
operating correctly.
U se only HE detergent. B e sure to m easure correctly.
A lw ays m easure detergent and follow m anufacturer’s directions
based on load size and soil level.
U se a higher soil level cycle option and w arm er w ash
tem perature to im prove cleaning.
If using Q uick W ash cycle, w ash only a few item s.
U se W hites and Heavy Duty cycle for tough cleaning.
U se dispensers to avoid chlorine bleach and fabric softener
Load dispensers before starting a cycle.
A void overfilling.
Do not add products directly to load.
W ash like colors together and rem ove prom ptly after the cycle is
com plete to avoid dye transfer.
Wash er n o t p erfo rm in g as exp ected (co n t.)
Load is tangling
W asher not loaded as recom m ended.
S ee “U sing Your W asher” section.
S elect a cycle w ith a slow er w ash action and spin speed;
how ever, item s w ill be w etter than those using a higher
speed spin.
Load garm ents in loose heaps evenly around the basket w all.
R educe tangling by m ixing types of load item s. U se the
recom m ended cycle for the type of garm ents being w ashed.
S and, pet hair, lint, etc.
on load after w ashing
Heavy sand, pet hair, lint, and
detergent or bleach residues
m ay require additional rinsing.
A dd an Extra R inse to the selected cycle.
It is norm al for sm all am ounts of w ater to rem ain in dispenser.
S m all am ount
of w ater still in
dispenser after
N orm al dispenser operation.
W asher not loaded properly.
W asher senses load size and adds correct am ount of w ater.
This is norm al and necessary for clothes to m ove.
A dded w ater lifts the laundry off the w ashplate, resulting in less
effective cleaning.
W asher is less efficient at rinsing w hen load is tightly packed.
Load garm ents in loose heaps evenly around the basket w all.
Load w ith dry item s only.
A dd only 1 or 2 garm ents after w asher has started.
N ot cleaning or
rem oving stains
W ash load not com pletely
covered in w ater.
A dded m ore w ater to w asher.
N ot using HE detergent or using too
m uch HE detergent.
N ot using correct cycle for fabric type.
N ot using dispensers.
N ot w ashing like colors together.
The suds from regular detergent can keep w asher from
operating correctly.
U se only HE detergent. B e sure to m easure correctly.
A lw ays m easure detergent and follow m anufacturer’s directions
based on load size and soil level.
U se a higher soil level cycle option and w arm er w ash
tem perature to im prove cleaning.
If using Q uick W ash cycle, w ash only a few item s.
U se W hites and Heavy Duty cycle for tough cleaning.
U se dispensers to avoid chlorine bleach and fabric softener
Load dispensers before starting a cycle.
A void overfilling.
Do not add products directly to load.
W ash like colors together and rem ove prom ptly after the cycle is
com plete to avoid dye transfer.
Load is tangling
W asher not loaded as recom m ended.
S ee “U sing Your W asher” section.
S elect a cycle w ith a slow er w ash action and spin speed;
how ever, item s w ill be w etter than those using a higher
speed spin.
Load garm ents in loose heaps evenly around the basket w all.
R educe tangling by m ixing types of load item s. U se the
recom m ended cycle for the type of garm ents being w ashed.
If yo u exp erien ce
P o ssib le C au ses
S o lu tio n
First try the solutions suggested here for assistance and to possibly avoid a service call.
Wash er n o t p erfo rm in g as exp ected (co n t.)
S and, pet hair, lint, etc.
on load after w ashing
Heavy sand, pet hair, lint, and
detergent or bleach residues
m ay require additional rinsing.
A dd an Extra R inse to the selected cycle.
It is norm al for sm all am ounts of w ater to rem ain in dispenser.
S m all am ount
of w ater still in
dispenser after
N orm al dispenser operation.
Summary of Contents for Cabrio 6AWTW5550X
Page 3: ...3 W A S H E R D IS P O S A L ...
Page 17: ...17 N O TE S ...
Page 18: ...18 N O TE S ...
Page 19: ...19 N O TE S ...