Instructions for Attaching Facebow Transfer Assembly
11. With the patient’s help, loosen the center
thumbscrew and remove the facebow
from the patient’s ears.
12. Together, remove the facebow and
bitefork from patient.
The transfer jig and biteforks for all
Whip Mix facebows (except those with
quick lock toggle) have been updated
as of January, 2017. If your system was
purchased before that date, the bitefork
will have a straight, center shaft and the
transfer jig horizontal bar will extend to
the right. (Figure 11)
For these earlier systems, and when
using indirect mounting of the maxillary
model, the incisal guide pin will need
to be removed and a support bar will
be needed at the top of the transfer jig.
(Figure 12)
Indirect Mounting of the
Maxillary Model
1. Separate the transfer jig from the
facebow by unscrewing the thumbscrew
on the crossbar. Remove thumbscrew
first, then separate. (Figure 13 and 14)
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14