In ON-Off Mode, there are 6 parameters that the operator can change. NOTE: These
settings only effect the data in the field adjacent to the specific Functional Effects
button that opened the “Scrolling Parameters” window.
ON Dir
- This determines how the data will first appear on the Messenger Display.
NONE (default) = The data appears immediately on the display
Left = The data scrolls onto the display from right to left
Right = The data scrolls onto the display from left to right
Up = The data scrolls onto the display from the bottom
Down = The data scrolls onto the display from the top
In = The data scrolls onto the display from the end
Out = The data scrolls onto the display from the center
ON Speed - This determines how fast the data will scroll onto the Messenger Display. The
available speeds are Very Fast (default), Fast, Slow and Very Slow.
Time ON - This determines how long the data will remain on the Display. The duration is
increased or decreased with the arrow keys adjacent to the numeric display. The
“Clear” button resets the duration to 0.000 seconds. The default Time ON is 0.000.
OFF Dir - This determines how the data will exit the Messenger Display.
NONE (default) = The data disappears immediately from the display
Left = The data scrolls off to the left
Right = The data scrolls off to the right
Up = The data scrolls up and off the display
Down = The data scrolls down and off the display
In = The data scrolls inwards from both the left and right until display is blank
Out = The data scrolls outwards towards both the left and right until display is blank
OFF Speed- This determines how fast the data will scroll off the Messenger Display. The available
speeds are Very Fast (default), Fast, Slow and Very Slow.
Time OFF- This determines how much time will elapse before the next data segment is processed.
The duration is increased or decreased with the arrow keys adjacent to the numeric
display. The “Clear” button resets the duration to 0.000 seconds. The default Time
OFF is 0.000.
In Continuous Mode, the only parameters that can be configured are ON Dir, ON Speed
and Time ON. To understand the difference between On-Off mode and Continuous mode, it is
necessary to see how the different modes process the data fields.
On-Off Mode
If this parameter is set to On-Off, the data fields are processed in this fashion:
Messenger is blank.
The data in field 1 appears on the Messenger in a set fashion (as determined by ON Dir and
ON Speed).
The data remains on the Messenger for a set duration (as determined by Time ON).
The data exits the Messenger Display in a set fashion (as determined by OFF Dir and
OFF Speed).
The Messenger Display stays blank for a set duration (as determined by Time OFF).