unbalanced match box or a balanced-to-unbalanced transformer
be used
to connect any Blade’s analog
output to an unbalanced
Assigning Logic
Blades have six LIO (Logic Inputs or Outputs) on each RJ45 Logic jack
there’s one jack
on the Mix Engine and Razor Interfaces, but two on
WheatNet Blades). These LIO connections are used to connect legacy
devices using hardware GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) logic like a
Henry Superelay, a CD player, hot mic arm LEDs, mic cough panel, etc.
In a
ddition to the six GPIO “pins” on each RJ45 Logic jack, every Blade
also has 128 “Software” or SLIO signals which are used to carry logic
between the DMX and networked WNIP-compatible devices like
Wheatstone talent panels, Eventide delay units, and automation
software from RCS, Wide Orbit, ENCO, and many other vendors.
LIO and SLIO logic is set using the same
Edit Signal
window as used to
set the audio format (stereo/mono) and to name the audio signals.
When the logic is associated with an audio input signal, like BLO1MIC1,
select that audio input name (it highlights) then click
to open the Edit
Signal window (the process shown in Figure 3-28 on page 40). Click the
LIO Info
tab (Figure 3-30) to view, edit, or delete the logic settings
associated with that audio signal.
Figure 3-30 shows the typical settings used with a WNIP Talent Station
(TS). It uses two logic signals to carry Remote On and Remote Off
commands from the TS to the DMX channel, and two logic return signals
to carry the On and Off Tally logic back to the TS. These are assigned
using Software LIO since the TS is a networked device. Clicking
Assign LIO
window which is also shown in Figure 3-30.
WNIP 6-channel GPIO Relay Interfaces are available from
. Each connects to an RJ45 Logic jack using a
standard straight-thru CAT5 cable. These interfaces have screw
terminals to connect the peripheral device wiring.
Logic-Only Signals
A logic-only signal can be created as either a source (select the
Blade >
Sources tab
) or as a destination (select the
Blade > Destinations
As an example of creating a new logic-
only signal, here’s how to setup a
LIO Only destination to connect to a Control Room Warning Light.
On the
Blade > Destinations
to open a new
Add Signal
window. In the
Signal Type:
section, select
LIO only
. A default name is
assigned to the new signal, like BL01D01. Edit that name to something
useful, like CR WARN, by double-clicking on the name in the
box and entering a new name of up to eight characters. Click the
LIO Info
tab to open the
Logic Assignments
window, shown in Figure 3-30. On a
new logic-only signal click
to open the
Assign an LIO
window, also
shown in Figure 3-30. The first open pin is highlighted which is Pin 2 in
Figure 3-30. Clicking on another row allows that pin to be configured. To
set the highlighted pin for output logic, like a Control Room warning
command, select Output as the
then select the
from the
drop-down menu items. Our CR WARN command will use the Function:
Studio 1 In-Use
since Studio 1 is the Control Room. Click
to set that
logic command then click
to close that window. That command is
then added to the list of logic commands in the LIO Info tab.
Figure 3-30 Logic Assignment tab
Switch to the Crosspoint map (
System > Crosspoint
) and locate
the DMX console logic source: DMXTaly. That signal carries all the internal
logic commands from the console so it must be cross connected to the new
CR WARN destination by clicking (or CTLR+clicking) its crosspoint. A green
square indicates it’s a logic
-only connection.
Now, when a CR mic channel is turned on, the Logic jack will have a
contact closure between pin 2 (CR WARN) and pin 1 (ground). If a second
LIO is assigned to pin 3, and labeled STU WARN and its Function is set as
Studio 2 In-Use
, when a Studio mic channel is turned on, there will be a
contact closure between pin 3 (STU WARN) and pin 1 (ground). These
logic outputs are then physically connected to hot studio warning
interfaces; mic arm LEDs; a mic skimmer; etc.