current test pin for motor 1; can be wired to a resistor for current
testing or tied to a jumper to disable it
current test pin for motor 2; can be wired to a resistor for current
testing or tied to a jumper to disable it
pull-up resistor
pull-up resistor
pull-up resistor
pull-up resistor
5 V source jumper; supplies power from the VMS port when the
jumper is enabled; the power is supplied by the 5 V port when
the jumper is disabled
2-Stepper DC Motor
This demo will test the motor controller board by running two connected DC motors in
each direction for 2 seconds
See whadda.com for the manual which includes a wiring diagram
int in1=13; // IN1 connected to digital pin 13
int in2=12; // IN2 connected to digital pin 12
int in3=11; // IN3 connected to digital pin 11
int in4=10; // IN4 connected to digital pin 10
void setup() {
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT); // Set IN1 as OUPUT
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT); // Set IN2 as OUPUT
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT); // Set IN3 as OUPUT
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT); // Set IN4 as OUPUT