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the set temperature, press the
ON/OFF button once to stop the
process, change the desired setting
as described above and then restart
it by pressing the ON/OFF switch
• Fruits, if dried properly, should have
a pliable and leathery texture with
little moisture (less than 20%). It is a
frequent problem that people over dry
fruit. This can lead to a poor taste and
the fruit having less nutritional value.
Therefore to achieve the best possible
taste from dehydrated food ensure the
correct drying time is followed.
• Vegetables should be chewy and
brittle however different vegetables
can vary in texture.
• It is vital to store de-hydrated food
correctly in order to maintain the
quality and taste of the product. Ensure
that all dried foods are stored in a cool
dark place; the cooler the food is kept
the longer the optimal quality will be
• If it is possible please store the food in
a refrigerator or freezer. Alternatively,
you can store dried foods in a cool
place in your home.
• Be aware that light causes the quality
and nutritional value of the food to
• When storing the food it is
recommended to store it in a sealed
bag or a darkened container
• The naturally high sugar and acid
content contained in many fruits allows
them to be stored for longer periods
of time.
• When packaged and stored correctly
most fruit can last for about a year
while vegetables can be stored for up
to about 6 months.
• Do not consume fruits and vegetables
that show any signs of deterioration.
It is recommended to dry new
leaves. Once the leaves are dry
put them into paper bags or glass
jars and store them in a dark cool
Herbs and spices are most
flavorful when they first open
and should be harvested
while very fresh, before they
begin to blossom. Because the
aromatic oils are very sensitive,
temperatures should be 90˚F
- 100˚F (30˚- 40˚C) for drying.
Take care not to load trays too
heavily as this will prolong the
drying time.
Dried flowers, herbs and spices
used for potpourri should be dried
at temperatures ranging from
90˚F - 100˚F (30˚ - 40˚C) to
maintain aroma and color.