I.L. 41-933.1B
Before putting relays into service, re
move all blocking which may have been
inserted for the purpose of securing the
parts during shipment, make sure that
all moving parts operate freely, inspect
the contacts to see that they are clean
and close properly, and operate the
relay to check the settings and elec
trical connections.
The type
KV - 1
is a high-speed single phase over
voltage relay, which may be used to start the trans
mi ssion of a carrier signal or to trip a breaker for
a ground fault in which the direction of power flow
is not involved.
In addition the type
relay can be used to main
tain carrier for a mininum of
basis) and thereby block tripping which might other
wise result from transient conditions existing dur
ing the clearing of
external fault.
The type
KV - 1
relay consists of a high speed over
voltage cylinder unit with an adjustable pickup and
an indicating contactor switch.
The overvoltage unit is a product induction cylinder
type unit. The time phase relationship of the two
air gap fluxes necessary for the development of
torque is achieved by means of a capacitor connect
ed in series with one pair of pole windings.
Mechanically., the overvoltage unit is composed of
four basic components: a die-cast aluminum frame,
an electromagnet, a moving element assembly, and
a molded bridge.
The frame serves as the mounting structure for the
magnetic core. The magnetic core which houses the
lower pin bearing is secured to the frame by a lock-
*Denotes change from superseded issue.
ing nut. The bearing can be r€placed, if necessary,
without having to remove the magnetic core from the
The electromagnet has two pairs of coils. The coils
of each pair are mounted diametrically opposite one
another. In addition, there are two locating pins. The
locating pins are used to accurately position the
lower pin bearing which is mounted on the frame, with
respect to the upper pin bearing, which is threaded
into the bridge. The electromagnet is secured to the
frame by four mounting screws.
The moving element assembly consists of a spiral
spring, contact carrying member, and an aluminum
cylinder assembled to a molded hub which holds the
shaft. The shaft has removable top and bottom jewel
bearings. The shaft rides between the bottom pi!)
bearing and the upper pin bearing with the cylinder
rotating in an air gap formed by the electromagnet
and the magnetic core.
The bridge is secured to the electromagnet and frame
by two mounting screws. In addition to holding the
upper pin bearing, the bridge is used for mounting
the adjustable stationary contact housing. The
stationary contact housing is held in position by a
spring type clamp. The spring adjuster is located on
the underside of the bridge and is attached to the
moving contact arm by a spiral spring. The spring
adjuster is also held in placd by a spring type clamp.
With the contacts closed, the electrical connection
is made through the stationary contact housing clamp
to the moving contact, through the spiral spring out
to spring adjuster clamp.
pos.1ihle contingencies which may an:�e during
installation. operation. or maintenance. and all
details and \'(/riations of this equipment do not
purport to he co1·ered hy these instructions. If
further in/ormation is desired hy purchaser re
garding his particular installation, operation or
maintenance o/his equipment. the local West
inghouse l:'lectric Corporation representative
should he contact(/d.
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