TO 172838.
The standard unit requires 1 20/2 40 VAC control power to
operate. See Figure 2.1A (page 6). The unit mounted with a
three-phase Power Module draws its power from the line it is
1.3 Use of Manual-
This manual is designed for use during
installation and troubleshooting and, if necessary, unit re
placement. It also has information of specific importance for
the user's application engineer who is planning the overall
system and who is determining the setpoint values for a
specific IQ Data application.
The manual is broad enough in scope to form the basis of new
employee familiarization, refresher training sessions, and on
going maintenance.
It is strongly advised that the application engineer carefully
read Sections 2 thru 5 before producing the application's wiring
plan drawings and filling out the Setpoint Record Sheet.
Installation teams should carefully read all of Section 4
starting final installation. Maintenance personnel should be
familiar with Section 7 before attempting to service the IQ Data.
1.4 Level of Repair
This manual is written with the as
sumption that only unit-level troubleshooting will be performed.
If the cause of malfunction is traced to an IQ Data, the unit
should be replaced with a spare. The malfunctioning unit
should then be returned to Westing house for factory repairs.
Table 1.A
Microprocessor-based control
Reliable service without the need for numerous exter-
nal measuring instruments.
Two models
Ease of purchasing, stocking
In many cases eliminates external transformers
Simplified wiring
Simplified programming
No special languages to learn
Standard cutout
One hole to cut
Interchangeability with IQ Data Plus II, IQ Generator
Table 1.B
Communication to an IBM PC (or clone) personal com-
A Local Area Network, Westinghouse INCOM, is formed
puter. This computer acts as the master and can also
by 2 or more IQ Datas connecting to a personal computer
be used as the interface to other microprocessor-based
via a shared twisted pair of wires. The personal computer
acts as a master. In this arrangement the PONI Commu-
nication Module is mounted on each IQ Data. A CONI
Communication Card is used in an expansion slot of the
personal computer. A standardized software package is
provided with the CONI Card for data collection and
Communications via RS232C to other microprocessor-
Using INCOM, 2 or more IQ Datas (or other IQ products),
based products or phone modems.
each with a PONI Communication Module, can be con-
nected to the two wire network to transmit data to a sin-
gle Translator Module. This module converts INCOM
formatted messages to RS232C for use with other
RS232C compatible devices. No software is provided in
this case.
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