TO 172838
2.1.1 Operator Panel-
The Operator Panel, which is nor
mally accessible from the outside of the panel or door, pro
vides a means to:
Monitor the actual metered values on the Display Win
dow. (See Figure 3.1 .)
Determine which metered value is being displayed by
means of an illuminated LED located at the left of the
monitor menu
Step through the menu of metered items and actual
The use of the Operator Panel is detailed in Section 3.
2.1.2 Rear Access Area-
The rear of the IQ Data is nor
mally accessible from the rear of the panel's door. All wiring
connections to the unit are made at the chassis' rear.
When using the IQ Data without the 3-phase Power Module,
study Figure 2.1A and note the following items:
1. The 3-phase line voltage connects to the unit on the right
side of the unit. These contacts can accept an input from
120 volts to 600 volts without external potential trans
formers. Phase A, B, C and Neutral.
2 . Connections from the 3 required external current trans
formers are made at the Current Transformer Terminal
Block located on the left side of the chassis.
3. The 9-pin connector on the upper left of the unit is unused
in this case. 120 or 2 40 VAC must be supplied to terminals
7 and 10. For 120 VAC operation, jumpers must be
installed from terminals 8 to 1 0 and 7 to 9. For 2 40 VAC
operation, a jumper must be installed from terminalS to 9.
This will supply control power to the IQ Data independent
Figure 2.18 - IQ Data with 3-Phase Power Module
Shaded area designates information that
replaces or supplements applications using
the 3-phase Power Module.
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