· WF
· WF
If your stove is over heating close all dampers and door must be closed, and left until the stove has return to
nominal temperatures’.
Basic Positions of air sliders during Operation
You will need to become familiar with your stove in order to be able to regulate the secondary air intake correctly,
as factors such as the quality and height of your chimney, the quality of your fuel and the external conditions
play a large role in your stove performance. It is easy to see whether the stove is functioning correctly; however
incomplete combustion may lead to a build-up of hard, shiny soot on the inside of your stove and glass.
To prevent sooting of the chamber and glass introduce secondary air, also check that your wood is dry.
It is important to check the draft conditions before lighting your stove. This may be done, for instance, by crum-
pling a piece of newspaper, placing it in the combustion chamber and lighting it. The draft conditions are good if
the smoke is drawn away through the chimney.
cOnt r OLs On West Fir e uniQ 33 & 34
door operation
When opening the door of your Westfire stove always wear the glove that is provided to protect your hand from
possible heat. The handle pulls out right away from the fire. When shutting the door push the door closed and
push the handle until the handle firmly closes.
iMPOr tant: Never use toxic wood such as chipboard, impregnated or painted wood.
Good quality wood is the most important factor in your stove working efficiently and cleanly. Always use dry
firewood. The dryness of the firewood plays an important role since the use of wet wood results in poor fuel
economy and may cause a tarry sooty film on the internals of the stove.
Newly cut wood contains 60–70% water, making it totally unsuitable for use as firewood.
Newly cut wood should be stacked and air dried under cover for two years before being used as firewood.
sOLid sMOkeLess FueLs – Westfire stoves are only CE/EN/HETAS tested and approved for wood. It is possible,
however, to use other types of fuel with due care. When using coal/smokeless fuel you must use a coal insert and
a mix of 80% wood, 20% coal. Please note coal reduces the lifetime of the stove and the chimney considerably.
Overnight burning
Westfire stoves are wood stoves, wood burns more efficiently and cleanly if is burnt hotter. Westfire do not
recommend that their stoves are burnt overnight for this reason.
As a night time regime we recommend that the fire is loaded when hot and burnt for five minutes with the
secondary air valve fully open until the new wood has taken and is burning, then close the secondary air valve to
its operational position.
On returning to the stove in the morning the fire will have burn out, reload with some paper or firelighter and
some kindling and open all the values fully open and the stove will relight quickly. Beware as the ash bed will
have hot embers.
use of operating tools
Always use the operating tools provided when handling parts likely to be hot when the stove is in use.
UNIQ 33 & 34 wood stove needs to have the ash removed from the stove at regular intervals. Make sure the stove
is completely cold before cleaning out ash (embers can remain hot for over 24 hours).
To clean the outside of the stove use a dry cloth.
annual service
The inside of the stove should be serviced /cleaned once a year. To clean the inside, remove all ash, soot and tar
residue from the combustion chamber. Remove insulated chamber panels and baffle, dirt and soot will collect be-
hind it and this must be cleaned out. Insulated panels may crack if hit too hard by a piece of firewood. This has no
effect on the function of the stove (this is not the case with the smoke plate). The Insulated panels will only need
to be replaced once they become very worn and are no longer whole, or if they crack in several places. Check
glass is correctly positioned, replace stove door rope cord in the door. Check glass is correctly positioned.
The stove, the flue pipe connection and the chimney should be checked regularly by a qualified engineer. The
chimney should also be checked for blockages before relighting the stove if it has not been used for an extended
period of time.
The paint/ lacquer can wear thin in exposed places due to overheating. This, and other lacquer damage, may be
repaired using a Westfire Senotherm paint/lacquer spray available from your Westfire dealer.
Ash must be stored in a non-combustible container and must not be mixed with other combustible waste.
t r OuBLe sHOOt ing, cHeck t He FOLLOWing:
1. Fire Will not Burn
a) the air inlet is not obstructed in any way,
b) that chimneys and flueways are clear,
c) that a suitable fuel is being used,
d) that there is an adequate air supply into the room,
e) that an extractor fan is not fitted in the same room as the fire.
2. Fire Blazing Out Of control
a) the doors are tightly closed,
b) the air control is turned down to the minimum setting,
c) the air inlet damper is closed and that it is not prevented from closing completely by a piece of ash,
d) a suitable fuel is being used,
e) the door seals are in good condition.
f) the chimney draft may be too strong
g) check ash pan seal and
h) check for ash below ash pan causing pan to not seat correctly and clean out.
3. soot forms on the window
a) The firewood may be too wet
b) the intake of secondary air may be insufficient
c) fire not hot enough
4. t he stove fails to heat fully
a) The firewood may be too wet
b) the intake of secondary air may be insufficient
5. smoke or odour
a) Weak chimney draft
b) check for blockages in the flue pipe/chimney
c) check the height of the chimney in relation to the surroundings
6. soot in the chimney
a) The firewood may be too wet
b) intake of secondary air may be insufficient
chimney Fires
If the chimney is thoroughly and regularly swept, chimney fires should not occur. However, if a chimney fire does
occur turn the air control setting to the minimum, and tightly close the doors of the stove. This should cause the
chimney fire to go out in which case the control should be kept at the minimum setting until the fire in the stove
has gone out. The chimney and flueways should then be cleaned. If the chimney fire does not go out when the
above action is taken then the fire brigade should be called immediately.
After a chimney fire the chimney should be carefully examined for any damage. Expert advice should be sought
if necessary.