3. A
- G
3.14. T
WR 60/80/100 X 26’ - 71’ EMD M
30255 R3
3.14. Transport Undercarriage
1. To assemble undercarriage, fasten the lower reach arms to axle with three
7/16” x 1" bolts and locknuts on each side.
• The 10" x 51' auger and all 56’, 61’ and 71’ augers require 1/2” x 1-1/4” bolts and
2. Attach long cross-member to bottom of undercarriage brackets as shown in Figure
3.16, with two 7/16” x 1" bolts and locknuts.
• The 56’, 61’, and 71’ augers require 1/2” x 1-1/4” bolts and locknuts.
3. 8” and 10” augers only: attach the short crossmember to lower reach arms with two
1/2” x 1-1/4” bolts and locknuts.
• To perform this step, see step “a.” on page 34.
Figure 3.16
4. The
6" x 51', 8" x 36', 41', 46', and 51'
augers, and the
10" x 41'
augers require
extension arms attached to the lower reach arms (Figure 3.17). Fasten with two 7/
16” x 1" bolts and locknuts and two 5/8” x 1-1/2” bolts and locknuts.
5. This step applies only to
6" x 61', 8"x 56’-61’-71' and 10” x 51’-61’-71'
Install tubing cross brace supports to the welded brackets on lower reach arms with
five 1/2” x 1-1/4” bolts and locknuts.
6. Wheel hub assembly:
a. Remove any dirt or paint from spindle and hub.
b. Thoroughly pack wheel bearings and cups with a good grade of bearing grease.
c. Place large bearing into hub and carefully tap in seal.
d. Slip hub onto spindle and insert small bearing.
e. Tighten slotted spindle nut until hub drags slightly. Back off nut about 1/4 turn until
hub turns freely.
f. Install cotter pin and dust cap.