Never connect the measuring tips to a power source while
using this function; this can lead to the destruction of the
Only take measurements on a circuitry which is discon-
nected from all power sources and additionally make sure all
capacitors are discharged.
Measuring Procedure
Connect the black measuring cable to the COM input (6)
and the red measuring cable to the V/
input (5).
Set the rotary function switch (3) to 2000
Connect the measuring cables to the component you intend
to check and read the value from the display.
Please Notice:
Connect the red measuring cable to the anode (The end of
the diode not marked with a ring) and the black measuring
cable to the cathode.
If a value of up to 3 V is displayed, the component is
functional in forward direction. The forward voltage is dis-
played. If overflow “1” is displayed, the diode is defective.
Now turn the diode around (red + to the cathode and black -
to the anode). If overflow “1” is displayed, the diode correctly
blocks. It is functional in reverse direction. If the unit displays
any voltage, the diode is defective.
Range Resolution
1 mV
DC 250 V
AC 250 Vrms