Start Up and Operation
Connect the delivered line cords to the equivalent inverter’s terminals
(black cord to (-) - terminal and red cord to (+) - terminal). Unscrew the
knurled screw and tuck the cord (red and black) to the stud bolt. Slide the
tooth washer onto the spike and retighten the knurled screw (without using
Connect the inverter’s line cords with the supplying battery. Please pay
attention to connect the red cord to the (+) - terminal and the black cord to
the (-) - terminal. Now, switch on the inverter (green LED enlightens) and
use the earthed socket (6) to connect the desired device.
IMPORTANT: Always switch on the inverter first before switching on the
connected device. When switching off, first switch off the device and then
the inverter.
If the inverter emits a beeping sound and the red LED lights up, this is a
sign for the battery being almost drained in which case the inverter will
switch off automatically within ca. 5 minutes. It also switches off
automatically if the connected device’s total wattage exceeds the inverter’s
output-capacity and if the inverter’s temperature exceeds 60°C due to
prolonged use.
IMPORTANT: Always make sure the ventilator (4) is not covered during
operation to ensure sufficient cooling.
Special Recommendations:
Always disconnect the inverter while
it is not in use
you want to start the engine
you are charging the battery with a charger
If the inverter emits a beeping sound (supplying battery’s voltage below
(10.5 V ± 0.5 V) switch off the connected device, unplug the inverter and
restart your engine. Otherwise, the inverter automatically switches off after
approx. 5 minutes (voltage below 10 V ± 0.5 V) to eliminate the possibility
of being stranded with a dead battery.
Note that - while in use - the inverter drains the supplying battery. If the
warning signal appears and the red LED lights up, you should switch off the
inverter to prevent further discharge. You should now restart your engine to
recharge the battery.
Always pay attention to a correct connection between the line cords as
described above (polarity!).
The following handling can lead to the DESTRUCTION of the inverter: