If you want the serial device visible as present on the Wireless or Wired network, then
the local IP address must be the same as the IP address set for the desired port. A proc-
ess called “Proxy ARP” is used to make the device visible on the network. In this process,
the RM-90 pretends that it holds the IP address on the network, and responds on behalf
of the remote device.
The result of this is similar to bridging for a single device, with some exceptions. One
of these exceptions is the inability to handle name server searches of the network via
this serial link. For example, you would encounter difficulty if you were to use Windows
Explorer over the serial link to find a PC on the wired network. For this to operate cor-
rectly you must explicitly map computer names to IP addresses in the “LMHOSTS” file
on your PC.
When in SETUP mode, the RM-90 PPP server is enabled. This may also be used to config-
ure the module. Settings whilst in SETUP mode are as follows:
… username
, password is
… Serial baud rate 38400bps
… Hardware flow control
… Local address
… Remote address
To configure Windows XP to establish a PPP connection to a RM-90 in SETUP mode, fol-
low these steps:
1. On Network Connections in Windows XP, select Create a new connection
2. On the New Connection Wizard, click Next
3. Set up an advanced connection
4. Connect directly to another computer
5. Set PC as guest
6. Set Computer name as something…
7. Select a COM port
8. Select who can access this connection
9. Click Finish
10. Select properties of this new connection by right clicking on connection.
11. General Tab click on Configure button
12. Ensure maximum speed is 38400bps, click OK
13. Select Networking Tab -> click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in list box and then
click Properties button.
14. On Properties form click Advanced button
15. On Advanced TCP/IP Settings form->General Tab, uncheck field in PPP link stating
“Use IP header compression”.
16. Configuration is now complete. Click on this newly created link to establish a con-
nection to RM-90.
17. Ensure both the username and the password are entered exactly as configured in
RM-90. (When booted in SETUP mode, the PPP server has username “user” and pass-
word “user”.)