5 Protection, Troubleshooting and Maintenance
5.1 Protection
·PV Array Short Circuit
If PV array short circuit occurs, clear it to resume normal operation.
·Load Overload
If the load current exceeds the maximum load current rating, the controller will
disconnect the load. Overloading must be cleared up through reapply power or pressing
the setting button.
·Load Short Circuit
Fully protected against load wiring short-circuit. After one automatic load reconnect
attempt, the fault must be cleared by reapply power or pressing the setting button.
·PV Reverse Polarity
Fully protection against PV reverse polarity, no damage to the controller will result.
Correct the mistake connection to resume normal operation.
·Battery Reverse Polarity
Fully protection against battery reverse polarity, no damage to the controller will result.
Correct the mistake connection to resume normal operation.
·Damaged Local Temperature Sensor
If the temperature sensor short-circuited or damaged, the controller will be charging or
discharging at the default temperature 25
to prevent the battery damaged from
overcharging or over discharged.
·Overheating Protection
If the temperature of the controller heat sink exceeds 85
C, the controller will
automatically start the overheating protection. It recover after it drops to 80
·High Voltage Transients
is protected against high voltage transients. In lightning prone areas, additional
external suppression is recommended.