Homelift (VM) – User Manual VM00 7105
Wessex Lift Co Ltd
During the useable life of the Wessex Homelift it may be possible that circumstances change and
hence the function of the lift may not be suitable to the new situation. Examples of this are: -
A change of type and weight of wheelchair.
A change in the user’s ability.
A change in user.
An installation at another site.
A change in duty cycle (number of journeys per hour).
Any such changes to the use of the lift must be discussed with Wessex Lift Co Ltd who will be best
able to advise whether any alterations to the installation will be required.
10.1 Dismantling
If dismantling of the Wessex Homelift is required, this should be done by a competent person who
has been fully trained in its installation and is qualified to provide safe disconnection from the mains
Personnel dismantling the Wessex Homelift must wear appropriate personal protective equipment
and have a spill kit to hand as a precaution. Waste items and fluids must be disposed of in an
environmentally safe manner.