5 Outputs
5.1 Safety Outputs
The control unit makes use of two safety relays with positively driven contacts (OSSD relays) as an output circuit.
In order to avoid damage or premature ageing, each contact must be protected with a 4 A slow-blow fuse. Loads
must comply with the technical data (see section 14).
5.2 Signal Control
The signal control output reads out the switching status of the safety relay in the control unit:
• The output is open when the relay outputs are open.
• 24 V DC is applied to the output when the relay outputs are closed.
The output is designed to control an optical indicator lamp. As an alternative, a PLC can also be connected
which processes the signal. This output is a PNP output.
5.3 Muting Signal Output
The muting signal output is used to control a muting indicator:
• 0 V is applied to the output when muting is deactivated.
• 24 V DC is applied to the output when muting is active.
The muting indicator is an optical indicator lamp (e.g. wenglor’s SM0-00CA000C1).
This output is also a PNP output.
6 Muting
6.1 Basics
Muting causes temporary interruption of the protective function of the safety light barrier. This makes it possible to
move certain objects through the safety field without deactivating the output, for example if material has to be fed
through the safety field to the process, in which case no reaction from the safety device is required. At the same time,
undesired reaching or walking into the danger zone must be detected by the muting controls.
Muting is only possible after connecting two muting sensors (in general light barriers) to the muting inputs and a
muting indicator (e.g. wenglor’s SM0-00CA000C1) to the muting signal output.
The muting sensors serve as a receiving system, which decides whether the muting function will be activated or
deactivated. Monitoring of the dangerous passageway is only interrupted if the muting sensors are activated in the
correct time sequence. The muting indicator indicates that the safety function has been temporarily deactivated.
Connection of the muting sensors and the muting indicator is explained in section 6.2.
Due to the fact that muting impairs the safety function, correct use of this function is extremely important. Carefully
examine your own risk analysis in order to make sure that the muting function is compatible with your application.
Additional measures (e.g. coverings) must be implemented in order to assure that the bypassed safety field cannot
be circumvented.
The following points must be observed in order to assure that the safety function is maintained during muting opera-
tion (see also EN 61496).
• The muting indicator indicates an increased risk of danger during muting.
The muting indicator is required for muting mode operation and must be visible to the operator.
• If no muting indicator has been connected, the OSSD safety relays remain in the off state.
Arrangement of the muting sensors depends upon the application, and necessitates a risk analysis.
• The muting sensors must be arranged such that they cannot be bypassed inadvertently by a person.
• The loaded pallet or the material must block access to the danger zone during muting.
• After the pallet or the material has passed though the safety field, muting must be stopped and the Individual Light
Barrier Control Unit must once again be rendered fully effective.
• The geometric arrangement must be selected such that it is impossible for a person to pass through, either in
front of or behind the object (possible use of additional, mechanical barriers)