Settings via IO-Link
7.1.2 Background Teach-In
Teach-In is performed while the sensor spot is aligned to the background. The switching distance is then au-
tomatically set to a distance which is slightly less than the clearance between the sensor and the background.
The sensor is thus activated whenever an object is located between the background and the sensor.
Teach-in distance
Switching point
7.2 Pin Function, I/O2
The function of I/O2 can be configured either as an output or an input.
7.2.1 Input External Teach-In
Teach in output A1 via the teach-in input.
1. Set the E/A2 pin function to external teach-in.
With Ub setting active (default):
2. Apply 18…30 V to pin E/A2 for at least 1 second, but for no more than 4 seconds.
3. As soon as voltage drops at the input, A1 is taught in.
With Ub setting inactive:
2. Disconnect pin I/O2 or connect it to 0 V for at least 1 second, but for no more than 4 seconds.
3. As soon as voltage is applied to the input, O1 is taught in.
If the teach-in input is continuously activated, the teach-in key is locked and protected against inadvertent
1. Change the E/A2 pin function to external teach-in input.
With Ub setting active (default):
2. Permanently connect pin E/A2 to voltage within a range of 18 to 30 V DC.
3. The sensor is protected against inadvertent changes caused by the teach-in key.
With Ub setting inactive:
2. Permanently disconnect pin I/O2 or connect it to 0 V.
3. The sensor is protected against inadvertent changes caused by the teach-in key.