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AudioScope 3 – Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the AudioScope 3. The operating and
maintenance instructions found in this manual should be followed to
ensure many years of accurate and reliable service. Please read
these instructions thoroughly before using your new AudioScope 3.
The Invisible Handicap Role of the Professional/Paraprofessional
Over 20 million people in the United States (one out of every 15
individuals) suffer from hearing loss. Many other countries report
similar statistics.
Hearing problems can affect an individual’s social adjustment,
speech and Ianguage development, academic progress, as well as
the psychological well-being of that individual and his or her family.
Fortunately, most hearing problems can be very successfully
addressed through medical treatment and/or aural rehabilitation.
The crucial element and first step is early detection, and it is here
that professionals and paraprofessionals play a vital role.
While audiologists and otolaryngologists are specially trained for
testing and treating ear diseases, the primary care setting is ideally
suited for first and early detection of the problem, since people fre-
quently visit these groups: pediatricians, family practitioners, gener-
al practitioners, speech-language pathologists, nurse practitioners,
physician assistants, public health personnel, school health nurses
and volunteers.
With a fast, simple, accurate method of hearing screening, early
detection and appropriate referrals can be more efficiently and
effectively accomplished.