die sauberste Lösung
the cleanest solution
Detergent dosing Type Waschbär S 2000 all models
The detergent admixture is carried out under high pressure, the detergent will be sucked at the suction
side of the high pressure pump. There is a possibility to suck 2 different products.
One product can be sucked from the detergent tank which is integrated in the high pressure system.
The 2
product can be sucked from an external tank, for that purpose the suction hose with filter must
be inserted in the tank.
The rotrary knob of the detergent dosing valve can be turned left or right to choose the appropriate
Detergent tank External suction
The numbers 1-9 on each side of the detergent dosing valve act only as a reference point for the
adjustment of the detergent dosing.
The quantity of the dosing detergent is primarily dependent on the respective system type,
respectively on the flow rate of the high pressure pump, and the used spray nozzle, as well as of the
viscosity of the applied detergent.
If an accurate detergent dosing is desired, can be calculated as follows through a test: Fill a measuring
cup with water, turn the detergent dosing valve on symbol filter, for example 5 afterwards open the
trigger gun, after one minute you will determine how much the sucked quantity is.
The ratio of the sucked detergent to the flow rate is the admixture proportion.
If the detergent tank is empty, so is the dosing valve to be closed
Set the dosing valve at “0” ), because otherwise air can be sucked in and the
operating pressure will fully drop.
Please rinse the high pressure system and the detergent pipes with clear water after termination of
the cleaning work.