WI-GTWY-9-xxx Wireless Gateway V1.18
network. The
User Defined
profile allows the bus parameters to be manually configured for
special network configurations and should only be used if the user is familiar with the individual
Profibus parameters (see
Bus Parameters Tab
The storage format determines if word values are stored in big endian (Motorola – most
significant byte has lowest address) or little endian (Intel – Least significant byte has lowest
address) format.
Group Properties Tab
A DP master can send the SYNC and/or FREEZE control commands simultaneously to a group
of slaves for synchronization purposes. Therefore the slaves must be assigned to Sync/Freeze -
groups. Up to 8 groups may be configured as SYNC and/or FREEZE groups. Any slaves that are
configured to belong to a particular group (via that slaves
module properties|group assignment
configuration) may be synchronized using the
Message Interface
(see section on the
Message Interface
Bus Parameters Tab
The bus parameters can be adjusted only when the selected profile is
user defined
above). These parameters should only be changed if the user is familiar with the individual
Profibus parameters according to the Profibus specification.
Adjustable bus parameters:
The slot time determines the maximum length of time the sender has to wait to receive a
response from the partner.
Max. Tsdr + 15
<= Tslot
<= 16.383 t_bit
Max Tsdr
The maximum station delay responder determines the maximum length of time required by the
responding node to respond
35 + 2*Tset + Tqui <=
Max. Tsdr
<= 1.023 t_bit
Min Tsdr
The minimum station delay responder determines the minimum length of time permitted for the
responding node to respond.
11 t_bit <=
Min. Tsdr
<=Max. Tsdr - 1
The setup time determines the length of time elapsing in the node between a data frame being
received and a response occurring
1 t_bit <=
<= 494 t_bit