Soft-Starter is in fault condition. The code is flashing. In our example, the fault message is E03
(Phase Loss).
Soft-Starter is executing the function “Load factory setting (P204)”
The display also flashes, besides the fault condition, in the following condition:
Attempt to change parameter with incorrect password (P000 – Access Parameter);
Attempt to change not permitted parameter. Example: Parameters that cannot be changed with running motor.
19.3.4. Parameter Viewing and Programming:
All SSW-05 settings can be made through parameters. The parameter are shown on the display by the letter P
followed by a number:
Example (P264):
Each parameter is associated with a numerical value (parameter value), that corresponds to the selected option
among the available ones for this parameter.
The parameter values define the Soft-Starter programming or the value of a variable (e.g.: current, voltage). For Soft-
Starter programming you should change the parameter content(s).
264 = parameter number
Turn ON the Soft-Starter
Press the key
Use the keys and
to reach P264
Press the Key
Use the keys and
Press the Key
Soft-Starter is ready to be operated
Select the desired parameter
Numerical value associated with the
Set the new desired value
(1) (2)
(1) By pressing the key after the reprogramming, the new programmed value will be stored automatically
and will remain stored until a new value is programmed.
(2) To allow the reprogramming of any parameter (except for P000) it is required to set P000 = 5. Otherwise you can
only read the parameter values, but not reprogram them. For more details, see P000 detailed description.
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